Articles Posted in State Specific Articles

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By Joni J. Franklin, Attorney & David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


In Kansas City, Kansas, a three year old girl was hit as a pedestrian on Washington Boulevard. It was reported that the incident took place at 1:50 a.m. Due to the circumstances surrounding this incident, the police will conduct a full investigation to determine the cause and preventability of this Kansas pedestrian accident. See Child Injured in Pedestrian / Automobile Accident in Kansas City.

Often times, there are questions as to the cause and fault for an automobile accident / pedestrian accident in Kansas. A Kansas Personal Injury Attorney can conduct an investigation as well of the causes and circumstances of the accident. When a child is injured in a pedestrian accident, there are often a number of questions or issues that a parent must deal with on behalf of the injured child. The book titled – The ABCs of Child Injuries – Legal Rights of the Injured Child – What Every Parent Should Know – has chapters on Damages / Compensation, Medical Bills / Treatment, Automobile Accidents, and other topics. A parent or other concerned person can receive this book for free at The ABCs of Child Injury.

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By Steven Smith, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

State%20Map%20New%20York.jpgIn New York and other States, wrongful death cases are filed to pursue damages / compensation for the death of a child. In Oyster Bay Town / Nassau County, it was reported that Oleksandr Safronov, age 15, dies when he was hit and killed by an automobile as he was skateboarding in Syosset, New York. The New York wrongful death lawsuit alleged, in part, Oyster Bay Town and Nassau County were negligent in their maintenance of the sidewalk area. In particular, the lawsuit / complaint alleged that the sidewalk was “impassable” which, in turn, caused Oleksandr to ride his skateboard into the street. See Wrongful Death Lawsuit filed in Nassau County, New York.

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The State of Kentucky will release child death / child fatality reports to the public. This information can help researchers and child safety advocates make recommendations as to measures to take to prevent or at least reduce the number of child abuse related deaths that take place in Kentucky and other States. See State of Kentucky to Release Child Abuse Records.

When a child dies as a result of the negligence or fault of another person, business, school, or government entity, there are many issues and questions faced by a family. Some child related deaths result in criminal prosecutions. Some also result in civil wrongful death claims and lawsuits. It is often times helpful to have the advice, consultation, and representation from a Child Injury Lawyer when a child dies as a result of the negligence or fault of others.

The book titled – The ABCs of Child Injury -Legal Rights of the Injured Child – What Every Parent Should Know – has chapters on Day Care Center Injuries, School Injuries, Child Abuse – Neglect, Medical Bills / Medical Treatment, Damages / Compensation, and other topics. You can receive this book for free at The ABCs of Child Injury.

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By J. Rock Palermo, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

State%20Map%20Louisiana.jpgIn Louisiana and other states, children are the unfortunate victims of dog bite attacks. With dog ownership comes responsibility for the control of the dog. It is important for dog owners to maintain control of a dog. Many dog bite incidents are preventable with better preventive measures put in place by the dog owner. Fencing should be secure and dog leashes should be used when dogs are off of the owner’s property.

Published on:

By Steven Smith, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

education%20school%20day%20care%20yellow%20school%20bus%20close%20up%20of%20top%20front%20of%20bus.jpgIn New York and other States, hazing is a tradition or problem that continues to victimize children in elementary school, middle school, and high school. In many instances, the tradition or initiation of hazing goes unpublished and there is a degree of tolerance for the bad acts of members, athletes, or students who commit these bad acts. Many schools have anti-hazing policies and procedures in place. The enforcement of these policies and procedures is not so easy and it a challenge to spot hazing activities and to punish the wrongdoers.

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By Will Brown, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

State%20Map%20Ohio.jpgIn Ohio and other States, children are the unfortunate victims of accidental shootings. It was reported in Fredericksburg Ohio that a 15 year old Amish girl – Rachel Yoder – was hit by a stray bullet. At the time of the tragic Ohio shooting, the girl was driving a horse drawn buggy. She was shot in the head. The work of police investigators determined the probable cause of the shooting death of this girl. Apparently, a man shot a rifle into the air approximately 1.5 miles away from where the bullet hit Rachel Yoder. A full investigation will be conducted to determine if the ballistics from the gun match the bullet that ended the life of the Amish teen. See Accidental Shooting of Amish Teen Reported in Ohio.

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By Stephen New, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


In West Virginia, day care centers and child care centers have a duty to provide children with a safe and clean outdoor and playground environment. Pursuant to Title 78 – Legislative Rules – Department of Health and Human Resources – Division of Human Services – Child Care Centers Licensing – Hazards – Section 20.4.C, the Child Care Center has a duty to ensure that the play area for the children are well drained and free of debris. Furthermore, the child care center shall provide an outdoor environment that is clear of hazards including pits and abandoned wells, tree roots, appliances, and all other potential hazards including heat pumps, air conditioning units and external wiring, meters and telephone boxes. These areas shall be kept inaccessible to the child. The children enrolled in a day care center shall also be protected or kept away from moving vehicles when playing outside at the child care center. In addition, the soil of the playground area shall be free from any level of toxic chemicals and substances.

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By Steven Smith, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

Education%20Day%20Care%20Building%20Block%20G.jpgIn Potsdam, New York, the Watertown Daily Times reported that a day care center was cited with violations of day care laws and regulations. The New York Office of Children and Family Services is the New York government agency charged with licensing and supervising day care center. It was reported that Build Blocks Day Care Center was cited with over two dozen violations over the past two years. See N New York Day Care Center Cited with Violation of Day Care Regulations. It was noted in the article that the violation of a day care regulation does not necessarily mean that a facility is a “good” day care facility or a “bad” day care facility. This is probably an accurate statement; however, compliance with New York day care standards including those pertaining to safety, playgrounds, staffing, and supervision can help prevent or avoid many incidents that do cause serious personal injuries to children enrolled in a day care program.

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By Scott Zahler, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

education%20school%20day%20care%20yellow%20school%20bus%20view%20of%20driver%20front%20light.jpgIn Brunswick, Georgia, a serious automobile accident / school bus accident took place when a school bus hit a car. Due to the impact, the car and its driver were pinned by the larger school bus. See Glynn County School Bus Hits Car – Pins It Against a Tree Trapping Driver Inside. Police and rescue workers responded to the scene and were able to free the trapped driver from the vehicle. Thereafter, the injured driver was taken to a Savannah hospital for evaluation and treatment.

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By Sara Powell, Attorney & David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

education%20school%20day%20care%20building%20block%20y.jpgIn Phoenix, Arizona and other States, parents rely on day care centers to provide a safe and clean environment while the parents are at work. The day care center has a duty to provide consistent supervision so that the children are kept safe and free from dangers and hazards. Unfortunately, some day care centers put a child at risk for personal injuries when the supervision is lacking. It is vital that day care centers have policies, procedures, and safeguards in place to prevent children from wandering out of the facility. In Phoenix, Arizona, it was reported by the local news that a child wandered away from a day care center. Fortunately, the child did not suffer any serious personal injuries and was returned safely to the day care center and ultimately to the child’s family. While there were no injuries reported, the risks were still there and actions should be taken by this facility to prevent future incidents of this nature. See Toddler Wanders from Daycare Center in Phoenix, Arizona.

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