Articles Posted in State Specific Articles

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By David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


What started out as a childhood prank turned nearly fatal after a man shot at the neighborhood children. Although, the shooter was described by a neighbor as “low key” and “country,” his actions give off a different kind of character. 56-year-old Michael Bishop, has been charged with attempted murder after he aimed his gun into a group of children, pulled the tripper and hit a 12-year-old boy. According to police, the children had been playing a long time prank known as ding-dong-ditch, the kids run up to a home, ring the doorbell or known, and run away. The victim, whose name is not being released, is believed to have suffered a buckshot injury from a shotgun. The boy was taken to Kosair Children’s Hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. Eyewitnesses said they observed Bishop step out on his front porch with a shotgun, pointed his weapon towards the group of children, fired his gun and struck the 12-year-old boy. Dwight Mitchell, a Louisville Metro Police spokesman, said it is unclear whether the boy was the intended victim of Bishop or if he was merely just trying to scare the children off. Other neighbors were questioned by reporters and stated they too have been pranked by the neighborhood children. However, the kids were described as “good kids … not troublemakers” and their actions are not considered bothersome. Doug Dorsey, a nearby resident, is the father of a 13-year-old son who grew up with the victim. Dorsey ran to the group of children after he heard the gun shot and notice the group of kids scattering away. As Dorsey approached, he noticed the victim hunched over, with his back covered in blood. For more read Louisville man charged with attempted murder after firing gun into group of kids, striking 12-year-old boy. Mr. Bishop will be entitled to the services of a Louisville criminal defense attorney or the services of the Public Defender’s office.

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By DavidWolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

SC.jpgA nine-year-old boy suffered permanent injuries as a result of a Bible camp game at a South Charleston church. His parents filed a lawsuit against the church and alleged that their son fell and struck his face on a carpeted-cement floor. According to the lawsuit, the boy suffered from severe lacerations on his bottom lip and chin, damaged his teeth and drifted out of consciousness. The boy’s lawyer, Benjamin Salango, said that the laceration severed a nerve in his face, which has affected his ability to speak. The boy’s medical condition and injuries required therapy through a speech therapist regularly. In addition, the boy sustained a permanent scar from the cut, said the lawyer.

The boy was allegedly injured in the church game called “Wrap n’ Run.” According to the law suit filed in Kanawha Circuit Court, camp counselors at the Davis Creek Church of the Nazarene first organized the game in June 2009. The lawsuit stated that one child would bind another child in an entire roll of plastic wrap. The wrapped child would then hop from a starting line to a finish line in a race against another child. The lawsuit stated that church counselors ignored a suggestion in the game’s rules to allow the child’s arms to remain free while racing. The lawsuit also stated that this is the second time a child was injured during the same game at the church; another child fell backwards and hit his head on a sanctuary pew.

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By Scott Zahler, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

Education%20Day%20Care%20Building%20Block%20G.jpgPursuant to Rule 591-1-1.11 Discipline of the Georgia Rules and Regulations for Child Care Learning Centers, day care centers may use discipline measures provided that they are not detrimental to the physical and mental health of the child. These rules prohibit day care center employees from sexually or physically abusing a child under the care of the day care center. Furthermore, the regulations prohibit corporal punishment, the shaking, jerking, pinching, or rough handling of a child. Verbal abuse and humiliation are also prohibited acts. Isolation, restraints, force feeing, and confinement are also prohibited by the Georgia Rules and Regulations for Child Care Learning Centers.

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By Jeremy Vishno, Attorney, and David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


In Connecticut, day care centers and schools have a responsibility and duty to have an emergency plan in place for evacuation of the building due to disasters, terrorism, and other events / incidents that could put a child’s health and / or safety in jeopardy. It is important to have such an evacuation plan in place in writing. Furthermore, the facility should practice the plan during drills at periodic time periods. While fires and other natural disasters are not that common, they do take place and it is important for day care center and school administrators and staff members to be prepared. Children absolutely need guidance when there is a traumatic event or natural disaster. In these situations, staff members need to know the plan and calmly and timely execute the emergency / evacuation plan in place. See Connecticut Law Requires Evacuation Plan for Schools and Day Care Centers.

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By Scott Marks, Attorney & David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

A BB gun, also known as a pellet gun, can cause substantial bodily injury and even death. According to statistics, about four people are actually killed each year by BB guns. These guns are often considered a “toy,” but have similar features to a common hand gun; they have muzzle velocities higher than 350 feet per second. That means that the gun shoots the pellet at 350 feet per second, which is not much of a difference compared to a hand gun that has a muzzle velocity of 800 feet per second.

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission warns that children under the age of 16 should not own and operate such a gun. But, if they do, they should follow a few safety tips. First, children should never point a BB gun at anyone, whether it is loaded or not. Second, the BB gun should always be on safety until it is ready to be used. In addition, children should never carry your BB gun in public places because it may be mistaken for a real gun. Lastly, unload the gun when it is not in use.

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By Scott Zahler, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

farm.jpgGeorgia State Troopers said that 15-year-old Jacob Sutton passed away after suffering injuries in a tractor accident. The teen was driving a tractor on Ellenton Omega Road between his family’s business and their farm when a pickup truck collided into the back of the tractor. The driver of the pickup truck was driven by a neighbor, 73-year-old William Lindsey. The Colquitt County teen was airlifted to a hospital in Tallahassee, Florida where he sadly died. According to Troopers, all charges are pending and will be turned over to the District Attorney’s Office.

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By Scott Soutullo, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

State%20Map%20Alabama.jpgAn Alabama child care center employee has been arrested after she confessed to injuring a child under her care. 29-year-old Allison Ross admitted to Huntsville police that she dropped a 10-month-old girl and then put a towel over the infant’s face to stop the child from crying. The girl was initially treated at Huntsville Memorial, but was transferred to Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston. The infant was treated for severe facial bruising. She has since been released from the hospital. After admitting to the violent act against the child, Ross was booked into the Walker County Jail and charged with injury to a child. Her bond has been set at $2,500. Ross was employed at Taking Care of Kids Daycare at the time of the incident. For more details please read Alabama day care employee admits to inflicting personal injuries onto a 10-month-old girl.

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By David M. Baum, Attorney & David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

In Chicago, Illinois, an eight-year-old girl was tragically killed in a hit and run automobile/ pedestrian accident. Mariela Crisostomo was riding her bike outside her house in the neighborhood when she was hit by a gray or silver SUV. The incident occurred in the 3300 block of West 62nd Place. She was taken to the Advocate Christ Medical Center in Oak Lawn, where she was sadly pronounced dead. According to witnesses, the SUV was driven by a female with a passenger in the front seat. Unfortunately, the witnesses were not able to record the license plate number. The neighborhood residents said that heavy traffic has been an ongoing problem. They have requested the city to install speed bumps or make their street a cul-de-sac, but no action has taken place.

In most cases, the majority of speeders on residential streets are residents themselves in the neighborhood. This has been confirmed through local Police Departments that check addresses of motorists who were cited for speeding. As such, one of the most effective ways to reduce speeding on residential roads is through neighborhood involvement. The best way to raise awareness of speeding issues is through circulating a neighborhood newsletter. In addition to the newsletter, posting speed limit reminder signs around the neighborhood will also raise awareness.

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By Robert Chaiken, Attorney & David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


Police in Mineola, Texas, are investigating a report of child abuse occurring at a local day care center, Guiding Light Childcare. According to the Mineola Police Department, the incident came to light after the mother of the child involved filed the complaint with local police. The mother’s complaint was filed after a former employee at Guiding Light Childcare posted a video of the incident on a social media website. Although no charges have been filed against the employee, the case is under investigation. However, Guiding Light Daycare has confirmed that the center has since let an employee go in regards to this incident, the center is cooperating with police. For more details, please read Child abuse complaint filed against Mineola, Texas, day care center.

Acts of abuse committed against children, whether physical, emotional or psychological, is a heinous crime, which could have lifelong consequences for the child victim. Incidents of child abuse can continue for a long duration of time, mainly because the abuse is unknown to others and is kept secret. However, if you are suspicious that someone is abusing a child please contact local authorities immediately. Filing a complaint with local officials will instantly prompt a criminal investigation and have the effect of stopping further of acts of violence and/or abuse.

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By Steven Smith, Attorney, and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

dog%20bites%2C%20mastif.jpgA 4-year-old Brooklyn boy was fatally attacked by a family dog. Some believe this New York dog bite / dog attack may have been preventable. Four year old Jayelin Graham was fatally mauled by a Cane Corso Mastif. According to an article in the San Franciso Chronicle, the oversized canine allegedly “erupted in a violent rage” It is unknown what actually enraged the dog, but neighbors and others around the neighborhood stated the dog had a known reputation for being a menace. The owners of the dog disagree with their neighbors and say the dog did not have a violent nature. According to a witness, a man who attempted to save the young boy, the child had no hope once he was locked between the dog’s jaws. The man told the Daily News the dog was trained to kill. The man saw the dog violently shaking the boy by his throat. The boy’s aunt said the attack happened in a matter of seconds. As of now, no charges have been filed. For more details on this story please see 4-year-old Brooklyn boy fatally mauled by Cane Corso Mastif.

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