Articles Posted in Texas

Published on:

By Robert Chaiken, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

Educaton%20Day%20Care%20Center%20Negligence%20Poisons.jpegDay care centers and child care centers have a duty to provide a safe and clean educational environment to the children. It is important that day care centers and their staff members keep poisons and toxins away from the reach of children. It is well know that children are curious and do not always recognize a food item / drink from a poison or toxin. At times, day care providers mistakenly serve poisons or toxins to children under the care of the day care center or child care center.

Published on:

By Robert Chaiken, Attorney & David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

State%20Map%20Texas.jpgIn Texas and other States, drivers should exercise the utmost of caution when driving in or near an area of school bus stops. School buses are typically large, yellow vehicles that are easily seen. When a school bus stops, it should be obvious to all drivers in the area. Unfortunately, some drivers ignore the obvious presence of a school bus and put children in danger by reckless and careless driving. As a result thereof, children suffer serious personal injuries when they are hit by a vehicle in or near a school bus stop zone. See Texas Child Struck by Driver While Walking from School Bus.

Published on:

By Robert Chaiken, Attorney & David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

day%20cares%2C%20building%20blocks%20.jpg“Parents can never be too careful when it comes to leaving their child in the hands of any child care provider, whether it is a day care provider or a home care provider,” CPS spokeswoman Shari Pulliam said.

Published on:

By Robert Chaiken, Attorney & David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

doctor.jpgDoctors in Texas believe that incidents of child eye injuries increase during the summer months. Doctors in Permian Basin said it could be anything from the lack of adult supervision to the lack of safety eye wear that contributes to an increase of child injuries under the age of 16.

Published on:

By Robert Chaiken, Attorney & David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


Police in Mineola, Texas, are investigating a report of child abuse occurring at a local day care center, Guiding Light Childcare. According to the Mineola Police Department, the incident came to light after the mother of the child involved filed the complaint with local police. The mother’s complaint was filed after a former employee at Guiding Light Childcare posted a video of the incident on a social media website. Although no charges have been filed against the employee, the case is under investigation. However, Guiding Light Daycare has confirmed that the center has since let an employee go in regards to this incident, the center is cooperating with police. For more details, please read Child abuse complaint filed against Mineola, Texas, day care center.

Acts of abuse committed against children, whether physical, emotional or psychological, is a heinous crime, which could have lifelong consequences for the child victim. Incidents of child abuse can continue for a long duration of time, mainly because the abuse is unknown to others and is kept secret. However, if you are suspicious that someone is abusing a child please contact local authorities immediately. Filing a complaint with local officials will instantly prompt a criminal investigation and have the effect of stopping further of acts of violence and/or abuse.

Published on:

By Robert Chaiken, Attorney & David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


Parents need a driver’s license to operate a motor vehicle but there is no such license or test to be a parent. Unfortunately and tragically, some parents are unfit and actually take affirmative action to harm a child. In Beaumont, Texas, a mother was sentenced to 25 years in prison for the heinous acts of pouring hot boiling water of her 5 year old daughter’s feet. The abuse caused severe burns to the child that, in turn, necessitated extended medical care and treatment for the personal injuries. The mother was arrested and eventually pled guilty to child injury charges. The child will need more skin grafts as she grows older. Hopefully, the child will be cared for in a more supportive and loving environment than the one that was provided by her mother. See Mother Behind Bars for Pouring Boiling Water Over Daughter in Beaumont, Texas.

Published on:

By Robert Chaiken, Attorney & David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

blocks.jpgParents naturally have many fears when it comes to their children. But, possibly the worst nightmare a parent can have is finding out that their child has been abused while in the care of someone else.

A day care center in South Plains, Texas is being investigated by the Levelland Police Department for complaints of alleged sexual abuse and child injury. The sexual abuse complaint states that a three-year-old child told his parents that the daycare employee was “hurting him,” and the parents later examined their son and found evidence of sexual abuse. The child injury complaint states that another employee “tied a two -year-old boy’s feet down with duct tape so the child could not take off his shoes.” Child Protective Services are involved in the investigation but no charges have been filed.

Published on:

By Robert Chaiken, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

child%20abuse.jpgA day care worker was arrested for allegedly injuring a young child in Huntsville, Texas. A 10-month-old was treated for bruises to the face, neck, and torso at Huntsville Memorial Hospital, and then transferred to Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston for observation. The baby was released to the parents the next day.

Published on:

By Robert Chaiken, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

State%20Map%20Texas.jpgIn Texas and other States, summer camp should be a time for fun and adventure for children. Summer camp should also be a place where a child is cared for and supervised in a safe, healthy and supportive environment. Unfortunately, many children are abused and neglected each summer at summer camps. Some are raped. Some are molested. Many others suffer serious personal injuries and death due to the negligence of the camp operators, counselors, and / or support staff. In Kerrville, Texas, a former summer camp counselor recently struck a plea deal during a trial where the counselor was being prosecuted on aggravated sexual assault of a child and indecency with a child Texas criminal charges. The charges stemmed from allegations that a boy, who is now 11 years old, was molested / fondled as he left a shower area at the summer camp. It was reported that the family was disappointed in the camp’s actions or inactions in response to the counselor’s alleged inappropriate conduct with the children after the children had showered. The counselor denied the allegations of molesting the boy. Of course, trials, both civil and criminal, take place every day when there is a dispute over the allegations or facts. Without an admission, photographs, video tape, and multiple eyewitness accounts, it is often difficult to prosecute cases of alleged abuse and molestation at a summer camp, day care center, or other location. In some cases, there is forensic medical evidence showing the improper and forceful conduct. It should be pointed out that each case, whether civil or criminal in nature, must be evaluated by its own facts and the application of the the State and sometimes Federal law on point. For more information regarding this Texas trial and plea deal, see Former Camp Counsel Takes Plea in Texas Molestation Case.

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