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By Scott Zahler, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


The Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning monitors and licenses day care centers in the State of Georgia. This agency released statistics regarding incidents involving the death and / or injury of children in a Georgia day care center. Over the past give years, there have been over 500 major incidents reported involving a Georgia day care center. Of these incidents, it was noted that there were 239 injuries and 8 deaths of children while enrolled in or participating in day care center activities and field trips. These statistics included reported incidents that were on record with the Department. Of course, there were likely a number of incidents involving injuries or dangers at a Georgia day care center that were never reported to authorities. The Department can and does take action regarding dangerous incidents and violations of Georgia laws and regulations. There were 497 severe penalties issues for violations of day care regulations and / or standards. Some child safety advocates do not believe that the Department is doing enough to enforce standards or shut down day care facilities that violate regulations and put children at risk for serious personal injuries and death. It was reported that there is over 6000 licensed day care providers in the State of Georgia. You can read more about this topic at Day Care Problems Reported for Georgia Day Care Centers.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


Many child safety advocates, child rights advocates, and parents are against the use of corporal punishment. Some, however, firmly believe in the use of corporal punishment. Beyond the emotional harm that results from any instance of corporal punishment, many children suffer from serious personal injuries and, in some instances, death from excessive or extreme corporal punishment. At times, parents, caregivers, teachers, babysitters, and / or others go too far to “prove a point” or to “show the child who is the boss.” Corporal Punishment is an issue that is dealt with in school policies and procedures, magazines, newspapers, and, yes, in some child rearing books. Just because a book covers a topic or advocates a certain position or action does not make the book authoritative or good advice. The book titled – “To Train Up a Child” provides parents and caregivers techniques to impose corporal punishment. The book is a “how to” book in a way that can be quite dangerous to a child. When the imposition of corporal punishment is given priority to the health and safety of the child, serious personal injuries and death can and do result. There are plenty of methods and theories of child discipline that do not involve the imposition of corporal punishment. This is especially true in schools and day care centers – many of which outlaw or ban the use of corporal punishment. If there is any threat to the health, safety, and welfare of a discipline method, parents and caregivers should reconsider their actions. See Book Advocating Extreme Discipline May Be Connected to Deaths of Adopted Children.

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By Will Brown, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

State%20Map%20Ohio.jpgIn Ohio and other States, children continue to be the unfortunate victims of abuse and neglect at the hands of their parents, family friends, relatives, babysitters, teachers, and / or day care providers. Often times, a caregiver will present a child to an emergency room or a pediatrician and invent a story regarding how the injuries took place. When the history provided does not match the suspected mechanism of injury, state officials should be contacted to further investigate the injuries. The safety and best interests of the child are paramount to any other concerns or issues. Furthermore, a child, who is residing in a potentially abusive or neglected environment, should be removed and cared for in a safe and secure living situation.

Published on:

By Kevin Leach, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

day%20cares%2C%20building%20blocks%20.jpgIn Virginia and other States, parents rely on day care centers to supervise and educate their children in a safe and closely monitored environment. Unfortunately, some day care centers fail to honor their responsibilities and lose track of children at the day care center, on field trips, or during transportation trips. Since children lack safety awareness and often times have poor judgment in situations of crisis or danger, children, who are left unattended or unsupervised, often times suffer serious personal injuries. Some even die due to lack of proper supervision. It was recently reported that a child went missing from a Norfolk day care center. While the child was ultimately located and did not suffer any injuries except for being scaed and dirty, the fact that he went missing should cause concern for the day care center, parents, and the community. See Norfolk Virginia Day Care Center Loses 18 Month Old Boy.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

Education%20Day%20Care%20Building%20Block%20G.jpgIn Center City, Pennsylvania, it was reported that a 7 month old child was found unresponsive in a crib. Since the cause of death or manner of death was not apparent, an investigation will be conducted by the Special Victims Unit (SVU). See Baby Dies in Pennsylvania Day Care Center.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

education%20school%20day%20care%20yellow%20school%20bus%20close%20up%20of%20top%20front%20of%20bus.jpgsports%20football%20helmet%20white%20on%20grass.jpgMillions of children participate in youth sports every year. Generally, participating in a team sport is a fun and pleasant experience. It can also be a great learning experience for a child. Team sports can help teach leadership, team work, and sportsmanship. In some instances, participating in youth sports leads to serious personal injuries including but not limited to concussions and traumatic brain injuries. Safety is key to preventing or reducing the severity of head injuries when a child is participating in youth sports.

Published on:

By Mark Freedman, Attorney & David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

State%20Map%20Michigan.jpgIn Flint, Michigan, a family, neighborhood, church, and community are all mourning the death of an innocent girl (Misty Dawn Kumas) who was the tragic and unfortunate victim of a driver / criminal suspect avoiding or fleeing from the police. Misty was on her way to church on a Wednesday afternoon when the incident took place. There were witnesses and even vido surveillance that captured the tragedy. In one moment, a girl is walking to church. In the next moment, she is hit as a pedestrian and suffers serious life threatening injuries. You can read more about this story at Police Pursuit in Flint Michigan – Girl – Misty Dawn Kumas Dies from Accident Related Injuries.

Published on:

By Ryan E. Alekman, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

education%20school%20day%20care%20yellow%20school%20bus%20close%20up%20of%20top%20front%20of%20bus.jpgIn Massachusetts and other States, there is a problem and danger to children enrolled in day care centers. The problem lies with the simple but potentially deadly mistake of leaving a child in a hot vehicle. When a child is left unattended in a vehicle without air conditioning or other proper ventilation, the temperature in the vehicle can reach heights that affect the health and well being of a child. Even the passage of a few minutes can result in serious personal injuries and, in some instances, the death of a child. Often times, action is only taken after the tragic death of a child left unattended in a school or day care center vehicle to change or strengthen laws and regulations. A simple checklist and due diligence by the staff of a school or day care center can and does prevent tragic personal injuries and deaths from taking place. See Massachusetts Panel Considering Measures to Prevent Day Care Center Tragedies from Taking Place in the Future.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

education%20school%20day%20care%20building%20block%20y.jpgTragically, day care centers in the United States have, at times, left children in vans, buses, and at parks on field trips. There is available technology that can help track the whereabouts of a child enrolled in a day care center. Some parents and privacy rights advocates may have a problem with GPS tracking and the technology involved in the same. Other parents and child safety advocates applaud the use of technology as long as it promotes the safety and well being of the children. It should be pointed out that technology is no substitute for proper adult supervision of children; however, additional tools and technology should be utilized if it improves and enhances the supervision in place. It was reported that a day care center in Sweden is using GPS technology to track children enrolled in the day care center. See Swedish Day Care Center Uses Technology to Track Whereabouts of Children.

Published on:

By David M. Baum, Attorney & David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


Hazing is an unfortunate act that still continues to take place in elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, and yes, even colleges and universities. In Quincy, Illinois, a hazing incident reportedly took place at Flinn Stadium by some Junior High / Middle School Students. The Quincy Report reported that the hazing incident involved student athletes who were the same gender and same age. Often times, students believe that an act is acceptable if it is a rite of passage. Hazing in any form should not be tolerated by school systems or law enforcement. Just because something has taken place in the past does not in any way give it legitimacy. Hazing is a crime – plain and simple. Of course, with any criminal prosecution, the case must be proven by prosecutors beyond a reasonable doubt and the intent of the criminal Defendant does play a role in the prosecution and defense of the case. The criminal Defendants are entitled to the services of a criminal defense attorney or the services of the local Public Defender’s office. See Quincy Junior High Students Charged with Hazing in Illinois.

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