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By Scott Zahler, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

1353678_cyclist_and_jogger.jpgAfter two Georgia high school football players died during practices of 90-plus degree heat, authorities began to explore whether the hot weather contributed to the death of these athletes. The nation’s largest pediatrician group says that healthy children and teen athletes can play sports in hot, steamy weather, but only if precautions are taken.

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By Will Brown, Attorney & David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

State%20Map%20Ohio.jpgAn unfortunate incident recently took place at the University of Cincinnati (Ohio). It was reported that Everette Howard, an 18 year old student, died as a result of injuries sustained by a Taser gun used by campus police. It was reported that Everette was attempting to break up a fight at the time. It is expected that a full investigation will be completed and then be summarized in a written report since a death resulted from this incident. There appeared to be several witnesses to the incident. The use of force by a police officer is permitted under certain circumstances. In particular, if the health safety and welfare of the police office and / or others are put at risks – force is often times utilized. There are particular policies and procedures in place for each police department as to the use of force including the use of Taser guns. The incident will be reviewed to determine if protocols and criteria were met with respect to the facts and circumstances of this incident.

Published on:

By Rob Shainess, Attorney & David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

education%20school%20day%20care%20teddy%20bear%20with%20building%20blocks.jpgIn Minnesota, the Department of Children and Families recently introduced a rating system that parents can view and use to consider their respective day care options. It is important for a working parent to have peace of mind during the day time that the child is enrolled in a Minnesota day care center. Safety, supervision, and a clean day care environment are among the top priorities for most parents. Price and value are also considerations but should be secondary to safety and supervision. Minnesota ratings and fundings by the State of Minnesota are tied together. Child care and day care providers are rated on a one to five star rating system.

Quality day care centers that follow rules and regulations should obtain the highest rating. Those that cut corners and put profits over safety and regulation compliance will not. The overall goal of the rating system is to get information to parents and to encourage Minnesota day care centers to provide quality, affordable, and reasonable care and supervision to children enrolled in the day care center.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

7387225-7387225-slippery-when-wet.jpgIt has been said that good weather may increase a risk of injury to children. The B.C Children’s Hospital and B.C Ambulance Service have recorded a list of summer safety tips for parents and caregivers.

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By David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


In Bellevue, Washington, there was a terrible automobile accident that caused serious personal injuries to several drivers and passengers. One of the accident victims, Rachel Beckwith, sadly died as a result of the automobile accident related injuries. Rachel was a remarkable girl who cared for others and even started a charity drive prior to the automobile accident. The death of Rachel Beckwith resulted in an outpouring of support for her charity and wish to help others. For more information, see Girl Gets Charity Wish After Death in Washington Automobile Accident.

The unexpected death of a child is one of the hardest things for a family, neighborhood and community to deal with. This is especially true when the child shows great promise and potential in life.

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By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

Education%20Day%20Care%20Building%20Block%20G.jpgAccording to the U.S Consumer Product Safety Commission and the American Academy of Pediatrics, infants can suffer from injuries or even deaths due to improper crib and sleeping arrangements. The U.S Consumer Product Safety Commission explains what safety precautions parents should take when putting their infants to sleep.

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By Mark Freedman, Attorney & David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

handcuffs.jpgAs a result of the Casey Anthony case, Michigan is now advocating for what state legislators call “Caylee’s Law.” Caylee’s Law will make both failure to report a missing child, and failure to report a dead body felony offenses in Michigan.

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By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

day%20cares%2C%20building%20blocks%20.jpgIn Washington Pennsylvania, a seven year old boy nearly drowned in a pool during an overnight camping trip last month. The boy was found and rescued by a nine year old girl who dove to the bottom to save him. Quick thinking and action by the girl saved the boy’s life. The boy was on a camping trip with Happy Face Learning Center, a day care center.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

day%20care.jpgAllegheny County Officials are investigating the death of a baby at a home day care center in Pennsylvania. According to officials, 10-month-old Desmire Williams was in the care of a home daycare owned by Melody Lang on Singer Place in Wilkinsburg. Sources said that an employee at the day care fed the baby and then put him down for a nap. The day care center said they checked on the child several times and noticed he was in a deep sleep. The day care center contacted the mother, Desiree Pinkston, about the infant’s sleeping habits. Once Pinkston arrived at the day care center, she found employees trying to resuscitate the child. Pinkston immediately called 911 because the home day care center had not done so.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

prison.jpgA former Colorado day care center worker was sentenced to a term of 40 years in prison for molesting children. Benjamin Janicki, 20, was formally charged with assaulting a fourth child during his employment at Park Hill United Methodist Children’s Center. Janicki received the maximum prison sentence possible under his plea agreement: 40 years in prison followed by 10 –year sex offender supervised parole and a 12-year suspended sentence on lesser accounts. Denver District Court Judge Shelly Gilman issued the sentence.

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