By Rob Shainess, Attorney & David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network
In Minnesota, the Department of Children and Families recently introduced a rating system that parents can view and use to consider their respective day care options. It is important for a working parent to have peace of mind during the day time that the child is enrolled in a Minnesota day care center. Safety, supervision, and a clean day care environment are among the top priorities for most parents. Price and value are also considerations but should be secondary to safety and supervision. Minnesota ratings and fundings by the State of Minnesota are tied together. Child care and day care providers are rated on a one to five star rating system.
Quality day care centers that follow rules and regulations should obtain the highest rating. Those that cut corners and put profits over safety and regulation compliance will not. The overall goal of the rating system is to get information to parents and to encourage Minnesota day care centers to provide quality, affordable, and reasonable care and supervision to children enrolled in the day care center.