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By Robert Chaiken, Attorney & David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

doctor.jpgDoctors in Texas believe that incidents of child eye injuries increase during the summer months. Doctors in Permian Basin said it could be anything from the lack of adult supervision to the lack of safety eye wear that contributes to an increase of child injuries under the age of 16.

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By Scott Soutullo, Attorney & David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

day%20care.jpgIn regards to licensing and regulations, Alabama law regulates day care centers that are associated with church ministries different from those that are not. A local day care center in Foley, called Kids Space Daycare, was denied a business license by the city. However the Mobile Press-Register reported that the city had no grounds to shut down the center because of its affiliation with a church.

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By Scott Marks, Attorney & David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


Leaving a child or a pet in a hot car can be very dangerous and even deadly. In warm weather States as well as other States during the summer months, the heat index can be quite high. It is well known (but not to everybody) that the heat index is even higher in a closed vehicle with the air conditioner and vehicle turned off. Just a few minutes in a hot vehicle can lead to serious health problems and even death. This is especially true for the elderly, young, and, yes, even pets. In Folsom, California, it was reported that a puppy named Gizmo – a six month old Pomeranian / Shih Tzy mix, died as a result of being left in a hot vehicle. It was reported that there was no water in the vehicle and the windows were cracked open about 2 inches down. The owner of the dog was arrested on California criminal charges of felony animal cruelty. Of course, the owner will be entitled to representation from a California criminal defense lawyer or the services of the public defender’s office. It is certainly a tragedy when a pet dies as a result of a preventable incident. This story highlights the dangers of leaving a pet or small child in a vehicle unattended especially in the middle of the Summer in California or any other location in which the temperature outside is warm / hot and even hotter inside the vehicle. For more information regarding this story, See Puppy Dies in Hot Car in California – Dog Owner Arrested.

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By George Fusner, Jr., Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

crib.jpgStarting December 2012, all Tennessee day care centers must have new cribs with greater safety standards. The old cribs with the drop-side railings that have been proved deadly for babies in rare instances will be no longer acceptable; this type of crib was associated with 32 infant suffocation and strangulation deaths since 2000.

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By Steven Smith, Attorney & David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

handcuff.jpgAccording to police, an investigation of an alleged sex offense at a privately run New York day care center has led to criminal charges against a 15-year-old. Chief Roland Nenni said that the youth was charged with first-degree sexual abuse and endangering the welfare of a child. The alleged incident occurred at the day care center on East Park Street in Orleans County within the past year. The investigation was completed with the help of the Orleans County District Attorney’s Office, the state of Office of Children and Family Services and the Justice for Children Advocacy Center. No information about the perpetrators identity has been released due to his status as a juvenile offender, said Nenni.

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By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

day%20care.jpgChild abuse can take place in any day care center in any community. Studies have proven that child abuse is prevalent among any income, race, ethnic heritage, or religious faith.

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By Roy S. Dickinson, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

day%20cares%2C%20building%20blocks%20.jpgAn unfortunate incident occurred took place at a day care center in North Tulsa Oklahoma when one-year old Madilynn McDaniel took her shoes off while on the playground. Because the Summer heat in North Tulsa, the ground surface near the playground was extremely hot. The hot pavement at the day care center burned Madilynn’s feet and resulted in second degree burns. The incident took place at Educare, a North Tulsa child care center. Madilynn was later treated for the injuries and prescribed Loratab to help her deal with the pain.

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By Kevin Leach, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

judge.jpgFacebook is one of the most popular sites in the world, claiming over 400 million users. It is a great way to stay in touch with friends and family, but headlines suggest that minors may become victims of sexual solicitation from fake “friends.”

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By John Jensen, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


A former Asheville, North Carolina day care worker has been sentenced to at least 19 years in state prison. 46-year-old Michael Roy Carter began molesting a girl when she was 3-years-old, the abuse continued for almost a decade. According to the lawsuit, Carter’s attention was drawn to the victim recently after she was enrolled at Rainbow Child Care in 1989, an Asheville day care center that is no nonexistent. The lawsuit claims Carter would take the victim into the bathroom, fondle her, performed a sex act on her and forced her to perform one on him. The suit also names Carter’s wife, Angela P. Carter, and his parents, who owned the center. The suit alleges each conspired with Carter to hide his serial abuse of the children at the center. Carter would persuade the victim’s mother to allow her to stay over night with Carter at his home he shared with his wife. The lawsuit alleges Carter began to molest and rape the victim when she was about 11-years-old. Once the victim reached the age of fourteen, she ceased contact with Carter to develop relationships with friends, fellow students and her peers. Carter continued to contact the victim via email and telephone calls. According to the lawsuit, one email stated, “I still love you more than anything … I know in your heart you still care but I don’t understand why we can’t talk.” The victim began to seek counseling for sexual abuse in September 2008. Through her extensive therapy, the victim finally reported the abuse to police, which prompted the investigation and, ultimately, Carter’s arrest and criminal conviction. The facility was shut down in the early 1990s, however records don’t indicate the reason it closed. Carter pleaded guilty to one count of first-degree statutory rape. Carter was sentenced to 230-285 months in state prison and will be required to register as a sex offender after his release from prison. For more details please read Former Asheville day care employee gets 19 years after serially abusing a child at the care center.

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By Mark Freedman, Attorney & David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

pedestrian.jpgA tragic hit and run accident in Flint, Michigan has ended the life of a teenage mother. According to the police, 17-year-old Kadijah Powell was walking home from a party at Skateland when she was struck and killed by an SUV. The incident occurred near the corner of Coldwater Road and Dort Highway. The police have obtained a surveillance video from three separate area businesses. In addition, detectives are working with local auto dealerships to determine the exact make and model of the vehicle involved. The police expect they will soon be able to locate the person responsible if they do not turn themselves in first.

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