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By Scott Zahler, Attorney & David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

school%20bus%20rear%20view.jpgA 25-year-old man has been charged in a crash involving a Georgia day care school bus. The crash occurred on Chapel Hill Road in Douglasville, Georgia. The man charged was driving a Jeep Cherokee. According to Douglasville police Sg.t Brad Loudermilk, the 25-year-old male told police he was driving to the doctor when the crash occurred. Loudermilk also stated the Jeep crossed the center line on Chapel Hill and struck an Anneewakee Academy bus, a Georgia day care center. The bus was transporting 10 child passengers, most of which were taken to the hospital for precautionary measures. The bus driver was also hospitalized for leg injuries. The driver of the Jeep was charged with suspicion of driving under the influence of prescription medication. Loudermilk stated the young male should not have been behind the wheel. A student, Lauren Estelle, described the accident as “very scary.” For more please read Man charged in collision with Georgia day care bus. In Georgia traffic and criminal matters, a driver charged with a violation or crime is entitled to retain the services of a Georgia criminal defense attorney to defend against the charges.

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By David M. Baum, Attorney & David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

texting.jpgIn today’s 24/7 world, staying connected is no longer an option, it is a necessity. The use of text messaging, also referred to as “texting,” has dramatically increased over the last three years. There is no doubt that texting has increasingly become the way most people communicate today. For many, the need to quickly read and respond, even from behind the wheel of a moving vehicle can be tempting. However, the act of texting and driving is dangerous.

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By Jonathan Safran, Attorney & David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

fingerprint.bmpAccording to the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families, Wisconsin day care centers will now be allowed to fingerprint potential employees. The executive director of Wausau Child Care, Inc., Jen Kowalski said that this additional safety measure is worth taking. However, there is one caveat.

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By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

judge.jpgA former day care worker has been charged with another crime of child molestation in Allegheny County. Matthew Keith Byars, 25, of the North Side, was previously charged with molesting four boys at Tender Care Learning Center and now has been charged with allegedly fondling a fifth boy years ago who he met at church.

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By Will Brown, Attorney & David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

inflatable.bmpThe near drowning of a local Springfield, Ohio infant, Hannah Rodgers has raised awareness for safety issues involving backyard pools, otherwise known as portable pools. According to the Clark County Sheriff’s Office report, 14-month-old Rodgers was found unconscious in a portable pool after someone forgot to remove the ladder after swimming.

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By Steven Smith, Attorney & David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

handcuff.jpgPolice have charged a teen with sexually abusing children at a Seneca County New York day care center. According to the Seneca County Sheriff’s Department, a 14-year-old boy has been charged with juvenile delinquency for committing acts that would amount to seven counts of child abuse and seven counts of endangering the welfare of a child if he were an adult. Deputies allege the teen had sexual contact with several children on several different dates over the last nine months; the boys range in age from six to nine-years-old. The day care center has not been identified, but investigators said it is located on the south end of Seneca County. Seneca County Child Protective Services and the State Office of Children and Family Services are working in conjunction with the Seneca County Sheriff’s Department during the investigation.

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By Robert Chaiken, Attorney & David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

gun%20handgun%20with%20two%20bullets.jpgThe Forum Roller World, 1900 S. Great Southwest Parkway – Grand Prairie, Texas, was the scene of what started off as a private birthday parties and ended with the shooter taken not only his life, but the lives of six others and injuring four additional guests. According to police Chief Steve Dye, an argument between a husband and wife resulted in a family member drawing a pistol. Grand Prairie police spokesman John Brimmer, stated matters escalated when the man pulled a gun and started shooting. The call for help came in at 7:10pm with officers arriving only 90 seconds later. By the time the officers entered the building the roller rink, the shooting had stopped.

Witness, Aaron Feldt of Grand Prairie, Texas was one of the onlookers from across the street and stated “I saw family coming from across the street looking panicked. They had children along with adults. You could tell there was a sense of urgency and panic in their eyes”. Mr. Feldt also stated “There’s just no cause for this…its real unfortunate”.

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By Jonathan Reed, Attorney & David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

railroad.bmpA semi tractor trailer smashed through crossing gates and into two double-decker cars of an Amtrak train (The California Zephyr) at a highway crossing in Nevada. When the accident occurred, The California Zephyr was 300 miles east from its destination in Emeryville, California.

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By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

safe%20driving.jpgA school bus transporting adults and children to a church camp collided with a Cadillac in Pennsylvania. According to Pennsylvania State Police, the bus was from Cumberland Valley Christian School in Chambersburg, and it collided with a Cadillac. The incident occurred on Interstate 81 near Chambersburg.

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By Roy Dickinson, Attorney & David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

beer.jpgA two-year-old toddler was killed as a result of an automobile accident in Oklahoma. According to Blackwell police, the driver of a pickup truck, Ashlee Nicole Martindale, 25, ran into the back of a Dodge Neon in the 4000 block of West Doolin Avenue. Colleen Wood, 19, Destiny Turner, 18, and two-year-old Maraya Turner were in the Dodge Neon at the time of the accident. Wood and Destiny Turner were taken to the hospital for treatment and their conditions were unknown. Maraya Turner was sadly pronounced dead at the hospital.

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