By David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

What started out as a childhood prank turned nearly fatal after a man shot at the neighborhood children. Although, the shooter was described by a neighbor as “low key” and “country,” his actions give off a different kind of character. 56-year-old Michael Bishop, has been charged with attempted murder after he aimed his gun into a group of children, pulled the tripper and hit a 12-year-old boy. According to police, the children had been playing a long time prank known as ding-dong-ditch, the kids run up to a home, ring the doorbell or known, and run away. The victim, whose name is not being released, is believed to have suffered a buckshot injury from a shotgun. The boy was taken to Kosair Children’s Hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. Eyewitnesses said they observed Bishop step out on his front porch with a shotgun, pointed his weapon towards the group of children, fired his gun and struck the 12-year-old boy. Dwight Mitchell, a Louisville Metro Police spokesman, said it is unclear whether the boy was the intended victim of Bishop or if he was merely just trying to scare the children off. Other neighbors were questioned by reporters and stated they too have been pranked by the neighborhood children. However, the kids were described as “good kids … not troublemakers” and their actions are not considered bothersome. Doug Dorsey, a nearby resident, is the father of a 13-year-old son who grew up with the victim. Dorsey ran to the group of children after he heard the gun shot and notice the group of kids scattering away. As Dorsey approached, he noticed the victim hunched over, with his back covered in blood. For more read Louisville man charged with attempted murder after firing gun into group of kids, striking 12-year-old boy. Mr. Bishop will be entitled to the services of a Louisville criminal defense attorney or the services of the Public Defender’s office.