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By Scott Marks, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

pool%20safety.jpgThe United States Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPCS) kicked off this summer’s swimming season with their second year of its “Pool Safely: Simple Steps Save Lives” campaign. The campaign is a national public education program aimed at raising awareness of child drowning and other swimming related injuries. Already this year, there have been 55 drowning and 63 near-drowning incidents in 20 states and territories reported.

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By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

farm.jpgAccording to the National Safety Council, thousands of children are injured and hundreds are killed annually due to farming-related hazards. West Virginia farmers deal with two different circumstances in which children are injured on the farm. John Miller, a West Virginia University Ohio County Extension Agent said the first issue involved children who grow up and work on the farm, and the second pertained to children who visit the farm. Regardless of the circumstance, all children should be educated about the possible dangers on a farm.

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By Robert Chaiken, Attorney & David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


Parents need a driver’s license to operate a motor vehicle but there is no such license or test to be a parent. Unfortunately and tragically, some parents are unfit and actually take affirmative action to harm a child. In Beaumont, Texas, a mother was sentenced to 25 years in prison for the heinous acts of pouring hot boiling water of her 5 year old daughter’s feet. The abuse caused severe burns to the child that, in turn, necessitated extended medical care and treatment for the personal injuries. The mother was arrested and eventually pled guilty to child injury charges. The child will need more skin grafts as she grows older. Hopefully, the child will be cared for in a more supportive and loving environment than the one that was provided by her mother. See Mother Behind Bars for Pouring Boiling Water Over Daughter in Beaumont, Texas.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

plea.jpgA former Olympia, Washington day care worker, Elisha Tabor, 20, pleaded guilty to molesting a five-year-old child in the child’s home and molesting a four-year-old child while at work. As part of the plea bargain, Tabor pleaded guilty to one count of first-degree child rape and two counts of first-degree child molestation. The Thurston County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office dismissed one count of first-degree child rape and a count of first-degree child molestation in exchange for the guilty plea. John Skinder, Deputy Prosecuting Attorney, said that he will recommend that Tabor serve 18 years to life in prison. Tabor’s sentencing hearing is scheduled for July 7 at 10:30 a.m.

Tabor worked at the Olympia Early Learning Center’s McPhee Road site on Olympia’s west side from May 2008 until January 2011. Tabor admitted that he raped and molested the five-year-old boy while acting as his babysitter. Prosecuting Attorney Skinder said that during Tabor’s sexual deviancy evaluation, Tabor told the psychologist that he molested the four-year-old.

Published on:

By Scott Zahler, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

Education%20Day%20Care%20Building%20Block%20G.jpgJazmin Green died at the tender age of 2. She was the child who was left in a day care center van outside of a Chuck E. Cheese during a field trip from a Clayton County (Georgia) Day Care Center. The tragic death of this child was completely avoidable had the required checklist been completed and the basic Georgia day care regulations been followed. Now, Charles Green, the father of Jazmin Green, April McAlister, the mother of Jazmin Green, and other family members mourn the death of these child and must deal with this tragedy one day at a time and certainly for the rest of their lives. Jazmin Green’s parents through the years grew to trust the care and support from Marlo’s Magnificent Early Learning Center. Unfortunately, the inattention and failure to follow basic transportation and safety measures broke this trust and now the family has to deal with the finality of a funeral rather than the everyday joy of a bedtime story to a wonderful little girl. See Toddlers Family Sees Trust Broken – Child Left in Day Care Center Van.

Published on:

By Scott Zahler, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

Summer%20Camp%20Rafting.jpgIn the summer time, there are many rafting trips organized throughout the United States. Many of which are run through summer camps for children and / or private tour companies. One such trip turned tragic on the Ocoee River. Andrew Silverstein drowned during the rafting trip. The incident was investigated. It was reported that the raft overturned and then Andrew was pulled under the water. During the summer, Andrew was a camper at Camp Ramah Darom which is based in the State of Georgia. When Andrew was thrown out of the raft, his leg became stuck under a rock. It was certainly a tragic run of events that led to the death of Andrew Silverstein.

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By George Fusner, Jr., Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

Amber Kendrick, 12-years-old, was tragicallly killed during a hit and run horseback riding accident when a motorist struck her horse in Madison County, Tennessee. According to the Madison Country Sheriff’s Office, the crash occurred in the 200 block of Diamond Cove Road. A truck was traveling northbound when it struck a horse being ridden by Kendrick and Matthew Webb. The collision caused Kendrick to be ejected from the horse. Investigators said the truck continued north and struck a second horse being ridden by 20-year-old John Thomas Gobbell.

Allegedly, the driver of the truck stopped after the crash, removed the license plate from the vehicle and fled the scene. Kendrick was taken to Jackson-Madison County General Hospital where she was sadly pronounced dead. The other riders, Webb and Gobbell sustained minor injuries, and both of the horses died after the crash.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

State%20Map%20Minnesota.jpgMany cases of maltreatment were found in Minnesota day care centers after an investigation by the Minnesota Department of Human Services. For example, one child was killed after choking on a grape, another child was burned by hot foot and two more children had tumbled off changing tables. The state investigation occurred in the second half of 2010, after the department received 229 complaints against child care centers within that time period. Below are a list of substantiated maltreatment findings issued:

Published on:

By Jonathan C. Reed, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


Las Vegas is well known for gambling, bright lights, Wayne Newton, and show girls. It also has been listed as one of the most dangerous cities for pedestrians. According to a national study, Las Vegas is listed as the sixth most dangerous metropolitan area for pedestrians. Over 400 pedestrians have died between the time period of 2000 and 2009. The study was completed by Transportation for America which is an advocacy group based in Washington, D.C. Statistics are collected and analyzed but it should be pointed out that a pedestrian is at risk in almost every city and town in the United States. While drivers should yield to pedestrians and bicyclists, many motorists are in a hurry to the destination and / or are distracted by mobile phones, texting, eating, and other activities that can make it dangerous for pedestrians and bicyclists in or near the roadways. See Las Vegas, Nevada – 6th Most Dangerous Metro Area for Pedestrians.

Published on:

By Scott Zahler, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


There was a recent tragic death of Jazmin Green while on a field trip with a day care center to Chuck E. Cheese in Georgia. The death could have easily been avoided had the Georgia Rules and Regulations for Child Care Learning Centers been followed. Pursuant to Rule 591-1-1.36 Transportation of the Rules and Regulations for Child Care Learning Centers, day care staff members must check the vehicle to assure that no child is left on the vehicle. When a child is determined to be missing after a trip, immediate action to locate the child must be taken. There must be a signed checklist to account for the loading and unloading of children. Day care centers must maintain a copy of these signed checklists for a period of one year. Yes, a simple checklist, due diligence, and common sense can save lives and protect children while being transported by Georgia Day Care Centers. See also Jazmin Green (Toddler Death): What Went Wrong? Day Care Nightmare and Blunders: Tragedy for April McAlister and Family and Arrests Made Following Death of Jazmin Green – Difference Between Civil Case and Criminal Case.

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