Published on:

By Rob Shainess, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

education%20school%20day%20care%20cup%20of%20crayons.jpgSupervision in Minnesota day care centers is key to the safety and welfare of children. Licensed day care centers are governed by the Minnesota Administration Code Rule 9502.0367 as it relates to Child / Adult Ratios – Age Distribution Restrictions. The regulations set forth the child to staff ratios which are dependent on the number of children and the age of the children. It is vital that day care centers follow these regulations to ensure the appropriate amount of staff to supervise the children. Schedules of staff members should be maintained by the facility and followed to make sure there are no gaps in supervision or times of the day that the children are put at risks with inadequate supervision.

Published on:

By Rob Shainess, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

education%20school%20day%20care%20building%20block%20y.jpgMinnesota day care centers are regulated by the Minnesota Administrative Code Rule 9502.0415 as to Activities and Equipment. Pursuant to Subpart 1 and Subpart 3 of this Rule, day care centers must provide for the physical, intellectual, emotional, and social development of the child. These activities must meet the following requirements:

Published on:

By Steven Smith, Attorney, and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

bounce%20house%20castle%20safety.jpgIn Long Island, New York, three bounce houses went airborne after some strong winds lifted up the bounce houses at a soccer tournament. The incident took place at the Town of Oceanside (Long Island) New York at the United Soccer Club. Bounce houses can be susceptible to strong winds and thereby create a zone of danger when the bounce houses are not properly secured in place. When operating or renting a bounce house, it is important to read the weather forecast. Furthermore, it is also important to monitor the weather forecast and weather reports during the time that the bounce house is in place. While bounce houses are typically fun for children, safety is a priority at all times. It was reported that 13 people were injured as a result of this bounce house incident. See 13 Injured WHen Bounce Houses Go Airborne in New York.

Published on:

By Rob Shainess, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


Minnesota Administrative Rules – Chapter 9502 – Licensing of Day Care Facilities – governs the licensing and the regulation of child care centers / day care centers in the State of Minnesota. It is important that child care / day care facilities follow these rules and regulations for the safety and welfare of the children under their care. When visiting a day care center, it is helpful for parents to have a general understanding of these regulations to determine if the facility / owner / and employees are following the appropriate rules, regulations, and standards.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney and Robert Fernicola, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

Fun-fair.jpgIn New Jersey, a tragic death was reported. Abiah Jones, age 11, fell from a Ferris wheel ride at Morley Piers Mariner’s Landing Pier during a school field trip to the New Jersey amusement park. She was later transported to Cape Regional Medical Center where she was pronounced dead. It was reported that the ride had passed the State inspection for amusement park rides. The incident is under investigation. See Girls Dies After Fall from Ferris Wheel Ride in New Jersey.

Published on:

By Benjamin Klopman, Attorney & David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

home%20safety.jpgA new study confirms what common sense has known for a long time – that proper installation of appropriate safety devices can prevent child injuries at home. The study shows a clear link between babyproofing one’s home and a reduction in child injuries. The researchers at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center looked at two groups of families with infants. One family had properly installed and maintained child safety devices in their home whereas the other family did not. The family that took the safety precautions had 70% fewer injuries requiring medical attention.

The study’s lead investigator, Dr. Kieran J. Phelan, said that parents may not have the time, training or resources to obtain and install the proper safety products. As such, The International Association for Child Safety (IAFCS) is encouraging parents to use the help of a professional babyproofer to help them choose and install the appropriate safety devices. The IAFCS is a worldwide network of child safety professionals and babyproofers that have helped parents to keep their home safe for over 15 years.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


A tragic and unexpected accident took place at a South Carolina rodeo. It was reported that a 12 year old girl (Lauren Mackenzie Mathias) died as a result of injuries that she sustained when a horse fell on the girl. The incident took place near the arena at the South Carolina High School Rodeo Association. The incident was wholly unexpected in that the horse involved in the incident was well trained horse that was classified as “dead broke”. At rodeos, there are safety precautions that should be in place for the protection of the participants and the spectators. Of course, some incidents take place that are not foreseeable and therefore could not have been prevented even with due care and planning. The 12 year old girl died as a result of head trauma. Her tragic death will certainly be a great loss for her family, community, church, school, and friends. See 12-Year-Old Girls Dies When Horse Falls at South Carolina Rodeo.

Published on:

By Scott Zahler, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

swimming%20pool%20water%20tiled%20bottom%20of%20pool.jpgIn Brunswick, Georgia, the family and friends of Walter J. Copeland, III (age 7) as well as the community are still in the midst of dealing with the untimely and tragic death of this child as a result of a drowning at a Brunswick Georgia apartment complex swimming pool. Further details were released about the incident. Walter and his siblings did not reside at the apartment complex but were visiting a 15 year family friend at the time of the incident. The teenager had left the pool area briefly and when she returned she found Walter on the bottom of the pool. Certainly, there was no intent or malice involved in such an incident. Autopsy results are pending. See Police: Brunswick Boy Drowned in Pool While Others Nearby.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

Paxton%20Saint%20Bernard%20Dog.jpgWhen there is a disaster or trauma in a child’s life, there are many resources available to the children and parents intent on getting the child treatment for the physical injuries and counseling for the psychological trauma. The Winning Kids Club is a non-profit organization with a mission of helping children who have been the unfortunate victims of trauma and natural disaster. Paxton is a gentle, loving, and smart Saint Bernard who is the focus of the Saintly Bernard Comfort Therapy offered by the Winning Kids Club. Paxton has provided assistance and comfort to children and families victimized by disaster, death, illness, personal injury, trauma, and bullying. Paxton has also befriended children with autism, ADHD, and other challenges.

Published on:

By Scott Zahler, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

swimming%20pool%20tiled%20bottom.jpgSpring and Summer weather brings out reports of drownings and near drownings in Southern States like Florida and Georgia. Tragedy took place in Glynn County when a 7 year old boy (Walter Copeland, III) died a Glynn County apartment complex. The incident took place at the Glynn Place Apartments. The boy was later pronounced dead at the Southeast Georgia Health System in Brunswick, Georgia. Unfortunately, many apartment complex pools later lifeguards and other adult supervision to insure the safety of children. Whether it is because of funding, finances, or available staff, many pools go unmonitored and unsupervised despite the risk to children. It is well known that swimming pools are attractive nuisances to children. In other words, children often see the fun and sport of a swimming pool more than the risk and danger. Any swimming pool poses a risk of danger to a child. Yes, even the shallow end of the pool. You can read more about this story at Glynn Police Investigating Brunswick Boy’s Drowning.

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