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By Robert Chaiken, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

State%20Map%20Texas.jpgIn Texas and other States, summer camp should be a time for fun and adventure for children. Summer camp should also be a place where a child is cared for and supervised in a safe, healthy and supportive environment. Unfortunately, many children are abused and neglected each summer at summer camps. Some are raped. Some are molested. Many others suffer serious personal injuries and death due to the negligence of the camp operators, counselors, and / or support staff. In Kerrville, Texas, a former summer camp counselor recently struck a plea deal during a trial where the counselor was being prosecuted on aggravated sexual assault of a child and indecency with a child Texas criminal charges. The charges stemmed from allegations that a boy, who is now 11 years old, was molested / fondled as he left a shower area at the summer camp. It was reported that the family was disappointed in the camp’s actions or inactions in response to the counselor’s alleged inappropriate conduct with the children after the children had showered. The counselor denied the allegations of molesting the boy. Of course, trials, both civil and criminal, take place every day when there is a dispute over the allegations or facts. Without an admission, photographs, video tape, and multiple eyewitness accounts, it is often difficult to prosecute cases of alleged abuse and molestation at a summer camp, day care center, or other location. In some cases, there is forensic medical evidence showing the improper and forceful conduct. It should be pointed out that each case, whether civil or criminal in nature, must be evaluated by its own facts and the application of the the State and sometimes Federal law on point. For more information regarding this Texas trial and plea deal, see Former Camp Counsel Takes Plea in Texas Molestation Case.

Published on:

By David M. Baum, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


In Illinois and other States, children are placed in day care centers by their parents with the hope and expectation that the children are provided a safe and healthy environment to learn, play, and rest. Unfortunately, thousands of children are abused and neglected every year in day care centers across Illinois and other States. Some children suffer lifelong permanent personal injuries and other children even die as a result of negligence, abuse, and / or neglect in a day care center. When a child is seriously injured or dies as a result of poor care or abuse in a day care center, a parent also suffers due to the death or injury of the child. There is no greater pain to a parent than the loss of or injury to a child due to an unexpected accident or because of the negligence of another person or day care center. Children are expected to outlive their parents not die at such a young age for no reason at all. In Springfield, Illinois, it was reported that a day care center operator (Cammie Kelly) was arrested and charged with first degree murder for the death of a child who was under the care of the Kelly and the day care center. The incident took place in January 2011 when Kaiden M. Gullidge (11 months old) was taken to a local hospital (St. John’s Hospital) after being observed to be unresponsive. An autopsy later revealed that the the cause of death of the boy was blunt force trauma. A case of this nature will hinge on witness statements and the forensic evidence uncovered at the autopsy. The timing of the injury will be an important issue to address during the criminal prosecution. The defendant will be entitled to the services of an Illinois criminal defense lawyer or the services of the local public defender’s office. An arrest does not automatically mean that there will be a plea deal or a conviction but it appears that investigators and the prosecutor’s office believe there is enough evidence to pursue this case for the tragic death of this small child. For more information, see Daycare Operator Charged with Murder for Death of Child in Illinois Daycare Center.

Published on:

By Scott A. Marks, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

Education%20Day%20Care%20Building%20Block%20F.jpgIn California and other States, day care centers should be a safe and healthy environment for children. Unfortunately, some day care centers are unsafe and even health hazards for children. It was reported in Visalia, California that a day care center was temporarily closed due to a discovery / reporting of black mold at the California day care / child care center. The Child Development Center on the College of the Sequoias campus cleared out the furniture and took other steps to address the mold problem in the day care center. It was reported that the black mold was not problematic since it was not airborne; nonetheless, the facility was placed on quarantine. For more information see California Day Care Center Temporarily Closed.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

daycare-sign.gifChildren in a local day care center located in Renton, Washington, were temporarily trapped inside due to fallen power lines. Although no one was hurt, a video showed the lines crossing a metal fence and lying on the Renton Day Care Center. The wires had arced and shortened over time, which caused them to burn through and hang lower than usual. A representative for the city reported that a U-Haul truck drove through the area at the time the wires went down and may have made contact with the wires to cause the reaction. A worker who fixed the lines said they were supposed to be 18 feet off the ground but were only 16 feet off the ground when measured. The owner said she didn’t know the lines were supposed to be higher.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


In South Carolina, working parents and families rely on day care centers to provide a safe and healthy environment for their children. Day care centers in South Carolina are regulated by the South Carolina Department of Social Services (otherwise known as DSS). While a day care center is required to be licensed, many South Carolina day care centers / child care centers operate without a license and without any government oversight. Even ones that are licensed are not inspected that frequently. As such, it is important for South Carolina parents to inspect the day care center before admission and during admission and at different times of the day. Parents should speak to day care workers to find out more about the worker and about the facility. It is also helpful to speak to and befriend other parents who have children at the day care center to help oversee the care for your child and others. Being proactive and inquisitive can go a long way to making sure that the day care center provides a safe and healthy educational environment for children. South Carolina child care facilities that cut corners, bypass licensing requirements, and that focus solely on fees or profits often times fail to follow general safety guidelines which in turn lead to serious personal injuries of children under their care. For more information on this topic, see Parents Should Be Proactive in Evaluating and Monitoring South Carolina Day Care Centers.

Published on:

By Robert Chaiken, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


Three elementary school students were injured after a loaded pistol, which was brought to the school by a 6-year-old boy, accidentally discharged at Betsy Ross Elementary School in Central Houston, Texas. The children’s injuries were said to be non-life threatening. However, each kid was taken by ambulance to a nearby hospital. According to police, it is unclear how the boy obtained the gun or who owns the firearm. The 6-year-old who brought the weapon to school sustained personal injuries to his leg by what officials think was a bullet. The other children, a male and female, both 5-years-old, appeared to have been hit by flying debris or shrapnel. None of the children were identified. The incident happened in the cafeteria, apparently the loaded pistol fell out of the boy’s pocket as he went to sit down. For more read 3 kindergarten students wounded after boy brings gun to Houston elementary school.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

Alexis George a 6-year-old girl of Conway, Arkansas, tragically died after she was hit by a vehicle while crossing the street on her bicycle. Alexis was following her siblings across the street when she was struck by the vehicle. The children were crossing Sapphire Street traveling towards Meadowlake Street. Her siblings made it across safely, however, Alexis came into contact with the left front end of an oncoming automobile. The contact caused Alexis and her bicycle to be thrown over the vehicle. She was taken to Conway Regional Medical Center and subsequently transported to Arkansas Children’s Hospital, where she was later pronounced dead. La Tresha Woodruff, public information officer for the Conway Police Department, said Alexis died as a result of the personal injuries she sustain in the collision. For more read 6-year-old Arkansas girl dies of personal injuries after bicycle struck by car while crossing street.

Published on:

By Robert Fernicola, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

gun%20handgun%20firearm%20double%20barrel%20silver.jpgA teenager was critically wounded after he was shot in the chest at a Gloucester City, New Jersey playground. Camden County police were called to the playground around midnight to break up a fight that had broke out. Police were called back to the scene just 45 minutes after their first arrival, because an 18-year-old had been shot in the chest. Neighbors near playground say the location is a popular place for teenagers to hangout and fight. One neighbor estimated about 10 to 15 fights occur at the playground weekly. The victim was taken to a local hospital in critical condition. As time of the release of the following news story, no arrests have been made. For more read 18-year-old critically shot in chest at New Jersey playground. Firearms are considerably dangerous, and often times deadly, weapons. These lethal weapons should be kept out a minor’s possession by all means necessary.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


Dennis Devlin, 57, a former Florida hotel owner, pleaded guilty to sexual exploitation of a 13-year-old boy. Devlin will spend at least 15 years in federal prison. Devlin is the former owner of the Desert Inn in Daytona Beach, Florida. Federal agents found an iPhone hidden in the bathroom ceiling of his second-floor hotel that contained sexually explicit images of the boy. A former employee of Devlin’s, 20-year-old Michael Ehmen, also pleaded guilty to the same federal charge. Ehmen admitted he recruited the boy, took him to the hotel for Devlin’s enjoyment, and received $100 for his recruitment. Police stated Ehmen also had sex (molested the boy) with Devlin for money and the two had an arrangement that Ehmen would bring “new people to visit [Devlin]” for more. Ehmen recruited the boy, the son of a friend, to help install security cameras at the hotel. On the way to the hotel Ehmen told the teenager Devlin would pay him to pose nude. Prosecutors said on a second visit to the hotel video was taken of Ehmen and the minor performing sexual acts together and spanking each other on Devlin’s bed. Devlin has a long history of sex-related charges in Volusia County and elsewhere. In 1988, 13 sex-related charges were dropped against him by prosecutors in Ocean View, Maryland. In 1993, he was charged with 23 crimes against a single boy; Devlin was convicted and spend 22 months in prison. However, in 2002 a judge overturned his conviction after the boy recanted his testimony as an adult. Federal agents seized the iPhone containing nude photos of the boy, as well as four DVD recordings of the boy and child porn in “several boxes” and on Devlin’s business computer. Sentencing dates have not been set for Ehmen or Devlin, they each face the same time range in federal prison. For more read Former Florida hotel owner pleads guilty to sexual exploitation of a 13-year-old boy.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

technology%20lap%20top%20computer%20keyboard.jpgThere was a recent press release of an App for iPhones and Smart Phones called Phone Sheriff. It allows parents to monitor the calls, text messages, and GPS location of a child / teen who uses an iPhone or Smart Phone. The Press Release states that the product or App is “stealth” meaning that the child / teen user of the phone will not know that mom and dad are watching. See PhoneSheriff Allows Parents to Control Child Phone Activities and Track GPS Location.

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