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By Rob Shainess, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


Chaska, Minnesota, police recently found a loaded handgun near a child care center in early April 2011. The gun’s serial number was traced back to a Shakopee man, who told police he thought the gun was stolen from his truck back in December 2010. However, the gun was never reported stolen and police were skeptical of his story. Captain Jon Kehrberg of the Chaska Police Department says the circumstances most likely suggest the gun fell out of the man’s truck and was ultimately pushed into a snow bank. The gun was discovered on April 5 by a man, David Granlund, who was walking his dog near the day care center. Granlund noticed something shiny in the grass. At first impression, Granlund thought the object was child’s handgun. However, after he picked up the gun and noticed it was loaded with hollow point bullets he immediately put the gun back down and called police. The man who owned the gun did not tell police why he had a loaded gun in his truck. No charges have been pressed against the gun’s owner. Kehrberg advised that if anyone comes across a weapon in public, they should avoid touching the weapon and immediately call police. Ultimately, it was very fortunate the gun did not fall into the wrong hands. For more read Gun found near Chaska, Minnesota day care center.

Published on:

By Scott A. Marks, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


A Fresno, California teenager was convicted of first-degree murder for molesting and drowning his 4-year-old neighbor and hiding the child’s in a clothes dryer. Raul Castro was found guilty of lewd and lascivious conduct and sodomy, he was not found guilty of kidnapping. Castro was tried as an adult in the October 2009 killing of Alex Mercado. At the time of this California crime against a child, Castro was 14-years-old at the time. Castro confessed to sexually assaulting and killing Alex in taped interviews with detectives. Castro’s attorney Barbara Hope O’Neill argued the teen was mentally ill and did not have the requisite intent to kill Alex. O’Neill based her argument on the testimony of a psychiatrist who said Castro was mentally ill and disassociated with reality. The prosecution challenged the psychiatrist’s credibility and argued the murder was premeditated. A judge rendered his decision after Castro waived his right to a jury trial. Castro’s sentencing is scheduled for June 24. For more read California teen convicted of first-degree murder after molesting and drowning his 4-year-old neighbor.

Published on:

By Scott A. Marks, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

taser.jpgA 15-year-old boy was stunned with a taser after an outburst in his classroom. Anthony Jones, 15, attends Delta College in Stockton, California. Because he is autistic, Anthony attends a special class catered to his needs. His family said Anthony had an outburst in class after he received a grade on a test that he did not like. After his tantrum, Anthony was asked to leave the classroom. When he refused to leave, police were called. Tajmah Jones said school officials told her that as a police officer went to remove Anthony from the classroom Anthony resisted and reached for one of the officer’s guns. At that point Anthony was stunned with a taser. He was taken to San Joaquin General Hospital to have a barb removed from his body. For more read Autistic boy stunned by police in Stockton, California.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


Shannon Johnson, of Weld County, Colorado, was sentenced to 10 years in prison followed by 5 years mandatory parole in relation to the drowning of her 13-month-old son. Johnson, 34, pleaded guilty to child abuse causing death in March 2010. She admitted to police she was on the popular social networking website Facebook playing Cafe World, checking on the status of friends and sharing videos while her son was taking a bath. Johnson told police she had checked on her son once in a 10 minute period. After about 3 more minutes passed, she no longer heard her son playing in the bathtub. When she went to check on him a second time Johnson found her son sideways with his face in the water. The toddler was transported by ambulance to a nearby fire station and then airlifted to Children’s hospital where he was pronounced dead. The toddler had also had a seizure at his grandmother’s house one month prior to the his drowning. Johnson was given anti-seizure medication to give to the her son in the event he had a seizure. The investigation was stalled pending the results of the toddler’s autopsy, which revealed the cause of death to be anoxic brain injury, cardiac arrest and drowning. Johnson’s mother told investigators she warned her daughter about the dangers of leaving a child unattended in a bathtub just days before he drowned. For more read Mother sentenced to 10 years imprisonment after pleading guilty to child abuse causing death, admitted to police she was on Facebook while child drown in bathtub.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

Child%20Seat%20Seatbelt%20Child%20Safety.jpgWhen transporting children, it is important that all parents, babysitters, schools, day care centers, and summer camps follow safety measures for the protection of the children. One basic safety measure is the use of proper child safety seats and seat belts when transporting children. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration publishes a very helpful guide for child safety seats. All parents and transporters of children should print out this guide and review it to make sure that all necessary and reasonable safety measures are taken while transporting children. See NHTSA Car Seat Recommendations for Children. NHTSA recommends the following:

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By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

State%20Map%20South%20Carolina.jpgSpring Break brings high school, college, and other people out to bars, restaurants, and the beach. Most people go to Spring Break destinations to have fun with friends and meet new ones. Unfortunately, Spring Break crowds make for busier roads and, yes, drivers who are under the influence of alcohol and / or drugs. Four fatal crashes were recently reported in the Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. See 4 Fatal Crashes At Beach on Spring Break Saturday.

Published on:

By Rob Shainess, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

State%20Map%20Minnesota.jpgIn St. Paul, Minnesota, Arahon Atlas was severely bitten by a dog that outweighed the 8 year old boy by over 30 pounds. As a result of the dog bite attack, Arahon received medical treatment and needed over 50 stitches for the injuries. Arahon was on his way to go swimming with a friend when the dog bite attack took place. St. Paul Minnesota animal control quarantined the dog and officials will make a determination of the dog qualifies as a dangerous or a potentially dangerous dog. The family of the boy expects that the boy will recover from the dog bite related injuries. See Eight Year Old Suvives Dog Attack.

Published on:

By Will Brown, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

alcohol%20vodka%20bottle%20intoxication.jpgIn Ohio and other States, parents entrust schools and day care centers to provide a safe and clean learning environment for their children. In addition, parents expect that the teachers and staff members employed by the school and the day care center are alert, healthy, and doing their best to supervise and educate the children. Unfortunately, some teachers and day care workers shirk these responsibilities and engage in other activities at school that take away from their effectiveness and attentiveness. This can include excessive texting, Facebooking, computer and video games, taking on the cell phone, and, yes the use of drugs and alcohol. In Westlake, Ohio, it was reported that a substitute teacher was arrested for allegedly drinking at Westlake High School. The incident took place on April 8, 2011 where police were dispatched to the school. The teacher, Anne M. Keller, was cited for Disorderly Conduct Intoxication and having an Open Alcohol Container at the school. She later pled guilty to both of these charges. The physical evidence observed by the police was a Grey Goose Vodka botte. See Police: Teacher Drank at School, Had Bottle of Grey Goose.

Published on:

By Scott Zahler, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

State%20Map%20Georgia.jpgIn Georgia and other States, there are dangers in most residential communities. What is one of the most common dangers? Ponds and lakes are among the most common dangers in residential neighborhoods. While the scenery and view of a lake or pond can be quite beautiful, there are risks of these water ways especially to young children. Many lakes and ponds are not fenced or otherwise situated to prevent young children from wandering into them. Because of this, young children die every year from accidental drownings. One such drowning was recently reported in near Chatsworth, Georgia. A 22 month old child (Aiden Hammontree) apparently wandered into a pond near the family home and drowned. The death of this child is certainly a tragic loss for the family, neighborhood, church, and the community. See North Georgia Toddler Dies in Pond Near Family Home.

Published on:

By David M. Baum, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


Recently, a bill was passed by the Illinois Senate, 42-2, that would ban teenagers convicted of rape or kidnapping from schools, public parks and day care centers, as well as join the list of sex offenders. Specifically, the bill would prohibit teenage sex offenders from coming within 500 feet of a school building or park. The bill also establishes a 100-foot barrier for juvenile offenders at school bus stops and forbids them from working at a day care center. However, ten years after completion of their sentences, convicted juvenile offenders are permitted to file for a waiver to be relinquished from the various restrictions, but only after a court ruling. Critics of the bill argue the current law, which allows judges to determine how to handle juvenile sex offenders on a case-by-case basis, is the best solution. Critics also argue that several treatment programs are in existence and these programs have a successful track record of stopping repeat offenses. However advocates of the bill argue this type of law is absolutely necessary to stop incidents like Victoria Larsen from happening. In 1979, Victoria was murdered and brutally sexually abused by a 15-year-old. For more read Illinois passes bill banning teenage sex offenders from schools, public parks and day care centers.

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