By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network
A day care owner in Adams County, Pennsylvania, who is accused of not reporting acts of child sex abuse at her day care, has waived her arraignment. The former Aspers day care employee recently pleaded guilty to molesting six girls who attended the day care, which is located at the 100 block of Clines Church Road. Police were notified by Children and Youth in May 2010. After local police were presented with the sexual abuse allegations, other mothers of victims came forward. A sign is posted on the front door of the residential day care reading that the child care center is closed until February 21. Sadly, the Adams County Child Advocacy Center stated the number of reports of child abuse is increasing, also calling it an epidemic. A statistic in a local Pennsylvania newspaper stated that one in every four girls and one in every six boys will be sexually abused before they turn 18-years-old. All the six girls in this case who were sexually abused are now receiving help. Raymond Messinger, the man who admitted to sexually abusing the young girls, will be sentenced in March 2011. For more read Pennsylvania day care owner accused of not reporting sexual abuse waives arraignment.