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By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

canadian%20flag.jpgAs 24-year-old aspiring actress was arrested in Canada after the woman allegedly abducted a 1-month-old baby girl. Michelle Marie Gopaul, of New York, is accused of faking a casting call for babies in an elaborate scheme to abduct an infant. She remains in a Canadian jail and faces charges of abduction of a minor, according to Toronto police. After moving to Canada, Gopaul allegedly placed an advertisement on the popular internet website Craigslist offering $15,000 for a newborn to acting in a Bollywood-style film. She posed as a casting director and waiting in a Toronto building for the parents to arrive. Gopaul allegedly abducted the infant after the child’s mother let Gopaul take the infant into a different room. Gopaul fled with the child in a taxi. Luckily, the baby girl was found unharmed a few hours later. Gary Batasar, Gopaul’s laywer, stresses who presumption of innocence and says there is no evidence at this point that shows Gopaul did anything wrong. To read more on this story please see Infant abducted after woman places fake ad on Craigslist.

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By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

State%20Map%20Minnesota.jpgA Minnesota mother is demanding answers after her sun ran out of 2 day care centers, two days in a row. The incidents occurred on November 4 and 5, 2010. Two-year-old Ryker Hacker walked right out the front doors two separate Southern Minnesota day care centers. Jackie Downing, Ryker’s mother, said she was referred to day care provider Rosemary Marquette from her neighbor. On Ryker’s first day, Marquette said she briefly turned her back to help another child when Ryker suddenly went wandered off. Marquette said she did what any other parent or adult would do and started searching form him on her own. However, police say they did not receiving a call from Marquette reporting the child missing. In fact, police received calls from concerned citizens after they saw Ryker in the middle of a busy street, 45 minutes after the child went missing. After much persistence, Downing successful in charging Marquette with a criminal misdemeanor charge of child neglect. The second incident occurred the very next day at Caring Arms day care facility in Nicollet, Minnesota. Sonja Shay, director at Caring Arms, says the center called police and found Ryker walking towards his home a short time after he went missing. To read more on this story please see Two-year-old boy wanders out of 2 different day care centers, 2 days in a row.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


Many parents seem to be unaware of the substantial number of personal injuries children sustained in their own home. Children are naturally hyper and, as a result, like to run, leap, climb and jump all over the house. A number of these household injuries send children to the emergency rooms. One of the most common injuries occur from children jumping on beds. Although, “no jumping on the beds” is a common household rule, many parents do not realize that child personal injuries also occur from children engaging in other playful activities. For example, many children hit their heads on dressers or nightstands because they were jumping or leaping around the furniture. Children sustain serious lacerations to their head or other parts of their bodies that require medical attention. Another common youth personal injury seen by doctors is hematomas – a collection of blood between the outside of the bone and skin (nicknamed as an “egg” by most doctors). Television sets are another major contributor to childhood personal injuries. Televisions are getting bigger and bigger and are toppling over on children more frequently. In fact, the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission estimates over 14,000 emergency room visits by children ages 5 and younger caused by TV injuries. Finally, a common personal injury seen in older children are serious head injuries that are the result of them falling from book shelves or other climbable objects. These types of falls can cause “closed head injuries” which mean bleeding internally and around the brain. The key to keeping your child out of harm’s way in your home is constant supervision – endless, incessant, tireless supervision! If you would like to read more on this topic please see Common household injuries – Things parents need to know.

Published on:

By Scott A. Marks, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

poison%20icon.jpgAccording to authorities, seven middle school students in San Francisco, California, were taken to the hospital after they ingested rat poison, which they mistakenly took for candy. The incident occurred at Martin Luther King Jr. Academic Middle school. A student told a parent about ingesting a blue cube found atop of filing a cabinet. A teacher later contacted poison control. Although the students showed no symptoms, they were taken to the hospitals for precautionary reasons. School officials say the incident is under investigation. To read more on this story please see Middle school students taken to hospital after ingesting rat poison mistaken for candy.

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By Jonathan Safran, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

cathedral.jpgThe Archdiocese of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, publicly stated it would filed for bankruptcy in the midst of pending child abuse lawsuits. According to Archbishop Jerome Listecki, the reason for filing for bankruptcy was because the pending sexual-abuse lawsuits could leave the archdiocese with debts it could not afford. However, one lawyer claims it is a delay tactic being used by the church to avoid opening its records to public scrutiny. In fact, Jeff Anderson, an attorney of St. Paul, Minnesota, who has filed 23 lawsuits against the church, stated he thought the bankruptcy filing was done to delay his deposition of Milwaukee Bishop Richard Sklba. Anderson and his clients have been pushing the archdiocese to make public the names of the priests accused of the sexual child abuse and the church officials who protected them.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

star%20rating.jpgThe U.S. Defense Department picked the Virginia Star Initiative and other state programs that assess child care centers and list their results to help military parents searching for day care facilities. These programs have proved to have far-reaching benefits, improving day care centers nationwide in teaching and quality standards. The Virginia Star Initiative works with Smart Beginnings Greater Roanoke, a nonprofit, with the state on the program. The process: Smart Beginnings evaluates an individual child care facility then evaluates the facility. It follows up with training and funding. The facility is then rated by the Virginia Star Initiative. Centers that volunteer for the program are given two additional years of support so they can continue to improve. One star shows the center has exceeded the minimum standards of state licensure and expectations. Five stars in perfect. A four star program, for example, represents a day care center that far exceeds the state minimum in teacher training, class size and classroom environment. Centers are initially hesitant to undergo the evaluation. However, if day care providers learn the benefits of monitoring their day care facilities will improve dramatically. In fact, the day care centers that did undergo the process improved 50%-60% from their initial evaluation.

Published on:

By Scott A. Marks, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

State%20Map%20California.jpgPolice officials in Baker, California, have arrested a former day are worker in connection with the October 2010 death of a 2-month-old baby at a local day care center. 22-year-old Ashley Rene Reifer was arrested and charged with one count of second-degree murder and one count of cruelty to a juvenile. The autopsy of Brody Hopper revealed that Brody died of traumatic brain injury or Shaken Baby Syndrome, said Police Chief Make Knaps. Reifer worked at Busy Bee Learning Center in Baker, California. According to investigators, Brody was in her sole care on the day of his death.

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By David M. Baum, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


After being interrogated for almost 10 hours, Melissa Calusinski confessed to fatally slamming a toddler on the ground at the Lincolnshire, Illinois, day care center where she worked. Despite confessing, the 24-year-old day care worker pleaded not guilty to first degree murder of the death 16-month-old Benjamin Kingan. The fatal confrontation occurred back in January 2009. The tapes show Calusinski vehemently dying having anything to do with or know what caused Benjamin’s death at first. After almost 4 hours into the questioning, Calusinski suggested that Benjamin could have caused his own fatal injuries after he violently threw himself backwark to the floor, audibly hitting his head. She changed her story again and told interrogators that it may have something to do with the fact that the toddler hit his head while she was removing him from a chair. Finally, Calusinski admitted to interrogators that “the kids were driving [her] up the wall.” Finally, she admitted to throwing Benjamin to the floor. The judge in the case is expected to rule on whether or not to suppress the video-taped confession. If you would like to read more on this story please see Day care worker confesses during videotaped interrogation to fatally slamming 16-month-old toddler.

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By Steven Smith, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


Local officials are investigating a car crash involving a car crashing into a home in Holley, New York. When police arrived to the scene, they found the car already inside the home. Officers had to assist the passengers out, as the vehicle had struck a gas meter and gas was leaking onto the air. The car was being driven by a 26-year-old female driver and occupied by a 6-year-old and a 6-month-old child. The female driver sustained personal injuries to her head, back and leg. The 6-month-old was placed in pediatric intensive care and sustained personal injuries to the head and leg. The 6-month-old infant was treated and released. According to officials, the vehicle went off the roadway, struck a power pole and then struck the home. Car crashes can be extremely harmful and sometimes fatal. It is important during this time of year, when weather conditions are not favorable for driving, for drivers to stay alert and keep their focus on the road. Hopefully, both children were properly retrained in the vehicle – the toddler in a car seat and the 6-year-old also properly retrained inside the vehicle depending upon the child’s height and weight. If you would like to read more details on the crash please see Driver and 2 child passengers sustain personal injuries after crashing into New York home.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


Many parents how now heard about the recall on drop-side cribs. If not, drop-side cribs were deemed unsafe by the Consumer Product Safety Commission and voted unanimously to ban them. It is estimated that it will take almost $600 million dollars to replace the cribs. Although the ban is effective immediately against retailers who are no longer allowed the sell the cribs, the ban is not effective immediately against everyone. What most parents are probably unaware of is that the agency is giving day care centers and hotels 2 years to replace the cribs. The agency views many day care facilities as small businesses and therefore wants to give the businesses an adequate amount of time to produce the money in order to purchase new cribs. (As a side note, the average day care replaces their cribs every 10 years!) Now, some cribs have stood the test of time and were used for multiple children in families. However, those families properly maintained the cribs as well as did quality work if the crib needed to be fixed. This cannot necessarily be vouched for at hotel daycares and other day care facilities. Therefore, it is important parents to ask questions about the cribs at day cares: How old are the cribs being used? Is the crib a dropside crib? When were the cribs last replaced? These are all pertinent and perhaps life-saving questions for your infant or toddler. If you would like to read more on this topic please see What crib day your day care used? Has is been recalled? Are the Cribs at Your Daycare on the Recall List?

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