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By Thomas Hastings, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

pickup%20truck.jpgA man is reported dead on the scene after he crashed his Dodge pickup truck into a daycare center in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The Fort Wayne Police Department responded to the single-car accident a little before 8 a.m. and found the man unresponsive and pinned inside his truck. According to a written statement by police, the man was reportedly driving at a high rate of speed, left the road, struck the daycare center and hit a power pole before finally rolling into a vacant lot. Medics arrived at the scene and declared the man dead. The crash remains under investigation by local authorities and agencies.

Published on:

By Jonathan Safran, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

Authorities in La Crosse County, Michigan, are investigating the death of a 15-month-old toddler. The toddler is suspected to have drowned in the bathtub of his home in the Town of Campbell, Michigan. Authorities arrived to the home after the father of the toddler reported that his child had possibly drowned in the bathtub. First responders to the scene found the child unresponsive. Although attempts were made to revive the toddler, the child was pronounced dead at Gunderson Lutheran Medical Center. If you would like to read more on this incident please see 15-month-old reportedly drowns in bathtub.

Published on:

By Robert Chaiken, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

drive%20by.jpgAn 11-month-old boy was shot in an apparent drive by shooting in the Pleasant Grove area of Texas. Police have arrested a gang member, identified as 31-year-old Carlos Cordova, in relation to the drive by shooting. Cordova faces a charge of injury to a child and aggravated assault.

Published on:

By Thomas J. Duff, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

gravel%20road.jpgA 10-year-boy died as a result of a fatal head-on collision in Marshalltown, Iowa. The young boy was identified as Hunter Snider. Hunter’s residence was not publicly released but it was confirmed that he died at Marshalltown Medical & Surgical Center after being transported there after the collision.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


In order to promote better training and quality in day care centers, the State of Montana recently introduced a pilot program called the Best Beginnings Starts to Quality Program. Statewide, there will be 125 Montana day care centers participating in the program. Each day care center enrolled in the program will start out at a Star Level 1 and advance to upper levels according to the training obtained, certification, and experience. It appears that the program is based on positive reinforcement of advancement to higher levels. Hopefully, this program will result in better child care in the State of Montana. You can read more about this new program at State of Montana Rolls Out New Day Care / Child Standards – Ratings Program for Childcare Providers.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

State%20Map%20West%20Virginia.jpgIn West Virginia and other States, children are cared for and supervised at treatment facilities for emotional and behavioral problems. The facility and staff have a duty to provide consistent and compassionate care for these children. Unfortunately, some child care workers abuse their position and abuse or neglect children under their care. Having video surveillance in child care facilities including treatment centers, day care centers, and schools can be very helpful in monitoring and evaluating the care provided to children. In some instances, the situation would be difficult to evaluate without such video surveillance because it may just be the child’s word against the employee’s word. If the child has emotional or behavioral problems – then it may be difficult to prove the abuse / neglect and convince the sheriff’s office, district attorney / state attorney, and others to take action.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


Tony Walsh is a child predator, a child rapist, and a danger to society and children. Unfortunately and tragically, the Catholic Church of Ireland protected this man for years until the Church could not longer do so because of Walsh’s very public act of raping a boy in a pub restroom. Walsh deviously used his position of power and influence in the child to commit heinous and unforgivable acts against children for years. While the story and history of this man is most disturbing, it is one that should be read and shared with others to encourage the Catholic Church and any other institution out there to oust these predators and assist law enforcement with the prosecution of them. You can read more about this story at Vatican Court Kept Irish Child Rapist as Priest.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


In Pennsylvania and other States, children are often times the victims of child predators who molest them, photograph them, and video tape them. Local, State, and Federal authorities have been successful to some extent in catching these predators and prosecuting them for the heinous crimes. What happens if a child decides to post a photo of himself or herself on line? Regardless of the person who does the posting, it is still child pornography and the dissemination of child pornography which is a crime. In Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, it was reported that a 15 year old girl was arrested by authorities for these very acts of taking nude photographs of herself and then posting the photographs on line. Children (including teens) often lack good judgment and really do not understand or appreciate the repercussions of their actions. Whether photographs are sent to one person or many, posted on Facebook, posted in a chat room, or elsewhere on line, there are many problems (both legal and moral) with the posting of nude photos of children on line. You can read more about this story at Teen Girl Charged with Posting Nude Photos on the Internet.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


In Pennsylvania and other States, some parents grapple with the dilemma of following religious beliefs and directives versus medical testing and evaluations for their children. An adult can make decisions for himself or herself as long as they are competent to do so. Since children are not legally competent and most do not have the maturity or knowledge to make an informed decision about medical care, children rely on their parents to guide them and direct them regarding health care. Unfortunately, some children suffer injuries and even death when a parent is guided by zealous religious beliefs that prevent or limit the medical care available for a child. Of course, each case or situation should be evaluated or judged on its own merits. While a person has the freedom of religion in the United States, there are often ethical, moral, and legal dilemmas when medical care is withheld from a child in the name ans spirit of religious beliefs. When these situations arise, there are many viewpoints to contend with including those of religious leaders, religious institutions, parents, medical doctors, medical ethicists, and, yes, the child. In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, a jury recently convicted parents of the criminal charges of manslaughter regarding their choice to exercise the act of prayer over available medical care for their child. You can read more about this story at Choice of Prayer over Medical Care – Death of Toddler.

Published on:

By Kevin Leach, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

education%20day%20care%20center%20crib.jpgIn Norfolk, Virginia, a church day care director was arrested and is being prosecuted for the death of a 7 week old child (Dylan Cummings) who died while under the care of Little Eagles Day Care Center which is a day care center affiliated with Bethel Temple Church of Deliverance. The director and another employee are being charged with child neglect. Attorneys for the day care director and the employee report that the Defendants cared for the child in a nursery and truly cared for and loved the child enrolled in the day care center. Prosecutors paint a different picture of a day care center that did not follow regulations and that placed children in a crib in a windowless closet. It is expected that the case will focus, in part, on medical issues involving the cause and preventability of the child’s death. It was reported that Dylan died of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). The prosecutor will argue that the child was unsupervised for 2 1/2 hours and that he was allowed to sleep on his stomach which puts an infant at risk for SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome).

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