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By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


Icy roads are causing dangerous road conditions in Southern States this winter. While Southern States do not nearly get the snowfall of the Northeast and other areas of the country, the dangers of the roadways can still lead to serious personal injuries and death. Proper car maintenance and tires are key to safer driving when the road conditions are more precarious. You can read more about this story at Icy Roads – Dangerous in the South.

Published on:

By Robert Chaiken, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

US%20State%20Flag%20Texas.jpgA family of Fort Bend County, Texas, Jose, Lindsay and their daughter Gracie Galarza, is still suffering from tremendous stress and grief years after their child was allegedly abused by a worker at the child’s home daycare facility. The little girl, who is now two-and-a-half-years-old, was 9-months-old at the time of the incident. Jennifer Sides, the worker at the home daycare center, was charged with injury to a child. Deputies say Sides caused severe personal injuries to the toddler’s head as a result from being shaken. The Galarzas said Gracie had to be hooked up to machines due to the severe extent of her personal injuries to her head. Gracie sustained bleeding and swelling to her brain, as well as experienced bleeding behind her eyes. After doctros examined the nature and extent of Gracie’s personal injuries, the doctors informed the Galarzas the injuries were the result of the toddler being shaken. In fact, the doctors told the parents it was more than an accident, it was child abuse.

Published on:

By Robert Chaiken, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

State%20Map%20Texas.jpgA 38-year-old woman of Lufkin, Texas, has been sentenced to 15 years probation after accepting a plea deal and pleading guilty to injury of a child and unlawful restraint. However, some people may not be satisfied with Kathy Butler Taylor’s sentence because of the nature of child abuse she allegedly inflicted onto three different people. Taylor was accused of using an extension cord and tape to abuse children. One child told investigators that Taylor would bind her hands, feet and mouth with tape. After being bound, Taylor would then beat her with an extension cord. If you would like to read more on this story please see Texas woman only gets probation after accepting plea deal for child abuse.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

crossing%20guard.jpgA pickup truck, pulling a plow behind the truck, struck 4 children while they were crossing a street in Wyoming. The road is near the children’s elementary school, Godfrey Elementary. The children had a half-day of school on the day of the accident and the crossing guard, who was directing traffic at the crosswalk earlier that day, left about fifteen minutes before the terrible incident occurred.

Published on:

By Will Brown, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


In Cincinatti, Ohio, a boy was accidentally shot in a barber at a Walnut Hills barber shop. The 6 year old boy was shot in the arm but was reported to be recovering from the gunshot wounds. The boy suffered gunshot wounds to his arm, rib, and back. Of course, the gunshot wounds could have been much worse and could have ended the short life of this young boy. It is most unfortunate that innocent children get harmed and injured as a result of disputes and gun shot incidents. You can read more about this story at Boy Recovering After Barber Shop Shooting.

Published on:

By Benjamin A. Klopman, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

education%20school%20day%20care%20yellow%20school%20bus%20close%20up%20of%20top%20front%20of%20bus.jpgWhen transporting children, it is important for the driver and all assistants and attendants on board to know the needs and abilities of the children being transported. This is especially true when a school or day care center is transporting a special needs child. A horrible tragedy took place in Baltimore County, Maryland when a 6 year old special needs student (Jeremy Jennings, Jr.) fell out of a moving school bus. The mother, who is very well versed in her son’s education and special needs curriculum, rightfully questions how the incident took place. What actions did the bus driver take? Where were the attendants at the time of the incident? Why wasn’t Jeremy properly restrained or secured in his harness? What are the policies and procedures for school transportation? Were the policies and procedures followed? In the wake of the incident, the two assistants were discharged from their employment.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


The Sheriff of Saginaw County issued a simple but very important message to parents this holiday season and at all other times of the year: Dont’ leave a child unattended in a vehicle. It does not matter if child is left for a short time period or long time period. Absent an emergency situation, there just is no good reason to leave a child unattended in a vehicle. The dangers to a child left unattended in a vehicle are plentiful and include but are not limited to: hypertermia, hypothermia, abduction, strangulation, choking, and wandering away. Saginaw County Sheriff William L. Federspiel wants parents to stop the bad habit or dangerous act of leaving children and infants unattended in vehicles. Federspiel points out that there is a Michigan law in place that give law enforcement the power to fine and / or arrest parents who leave a child under the age of 6 years old in a vehicle which poses an unreasonable risk of harm or injury to the child. See Saginaw Sheriff Encourages Parents to Avoid Leaving Children in Vehicle Unattended this Holiday Season.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

Education%20Day%20Care%20Building%20Block%20G.jpgIn day care centers and schools, it is vital for children to have consistent supervision. There is a risk of injury inside and outside of the classroom. This is especially true since children have poor safety awareness and do not recognize the risk of danger. When there is a problem or complication, children often times have poor problem solving skills and can make bad situations worse.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

Snow%20Skiing%20Winter.jpgIn Vail and Beaver Creek, Colorado, the towns come alive in the Winter and Spring ski seasons. When the slopes get crowded, accidents and incidents take place. From time to time, skiers and snowboarders will collide and falls take place. Most are mere accidents that cannot be avoided. It is truly the nature of the sport especially for those who are not that experienced or skilled on skis / snowboards. It was reported that a Georgia man hit a 14 year old girl after the girl bumped in the man’s son. The incident took place at Colorado’s Beaver Creek Ski Resort which is located near Vail, Colorado. It was reported that the incident (prior to the alleged assault) resulted as the girl swerved to avoid hitting another person on the slopes.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


In Pennsylvania and other States, there are dangers to the children when riding their bicycles. It is vital that children obey traffic signals and road signs. Of course, drivers should drive with caution anytime that children are on or near the roadways as pedestrians and bicyclists. In Lower Makefield Township, it was reported that a 12 year old boy was hit by a Coca Cola truck. The accident happened in the morning hours and the boy was travelling to school on his bicycle. The boy was hit as he was attempting to cross an intersection. It was reported that the boy suffered a head injury and bruises to his body. Because of these personal injuries, the boy was transported to St. Mary’s Hospital and then to Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia for evaluation and treatment. See Child Hit by Big Rig in Bucks County, Pennsylvania.

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