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By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

aircraft%20red%20helicopter.jpgBack over accidents can cause serious personal injuries to children. Unfortunately, back over accidents continue to be reported all of the United States, Canada, and other areas. When a driver is backing a vehicle out of a driveway, parking space, or parking lot, it is often difficult to see small children who may be standing, walking or sitting behind the vehicle. While supervision of children is key to keeping them out of these dangerous situations, close observation and attention should be exercised any time that a driver is backing a vehicle out of a driveway, parking lot, or parking space. Taking a few extra moments and due care can make a world of a difference.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

youth%20hockey.jpgSome parents are calling hockey rings “arenas of aggression,” and there may be some truth to the novel nickname. One parent of a youth hockey player said his 12-year-old child had already sustained three concussions and multiple neck and back personal injuries. Most parents are unaware of the significant, long-term damage concussions can have on children, mainly because the brain is still in developmental stages during one’s youth.

Published on:

By Jonathan Safran, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

wisconsin.jpgAccording to a report released by the Wisconsin Child Death Review Counsel, a total of 1,556 children died in Wisconsin between 2007 and 2008, about one-fourth of these deaths were preventable. Among the top five causes of children fatalities were motor vehicle and other transport crashes; asphyxia; homicide; drowning and poisoning. Combining the 308 accidental deaths with the 63 homicides and 31 suicides made up 26.1% of all child deaths within the state.

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By James Bailey, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

Education%20Day%20Care%20Building%20Block%20G.jpgChildren enrolled in day care centers rely on transportation from or through the center to get to and from the day care center. It is important for all drivers on the road to recognize that many day care programs run year run. Because of this, children are being transported year round through day care center transportation. In Wilmington, Delaware, an automobile accident was reported involving a Chevrolet Tahoe SUV and a daycare center bus. The accident resulted in personal injuries to a child who suffered a laceration on her face. You can read more about this story at Delaware Day Care Bus and SUV Crash.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

pic.jpgJennifer A. Mock, 37, was ordered to serve 30 days to 6 months in prison, plus an additional 23 months on probation for driving drunk and running into a Port Carbon day care center sometime last year. Mock pleaded guilty September 23 to DUI, recklessly endangering another person and careless driving.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

window.jpgAccording to the Dorchester County Sheriff’s Office in South Carolina, a five-year-old child sustained significant head injuries after the child fell from a second-story window in the Haven Oaks Apartments. Apparently, the child was trying to close the window when the fall occurred. Officials said the child sustained a head injury from the fall and was found bleeding from the nose and mouth. The child was taken to the hospital. If you would like to read more on this story please see Child falls from second-story window, sustains head injury.

Published on:

By Scott A. Marks, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

aircraft%20red%20helicopter.jpgIn California and other States, children are at risk of injury from neighborhood dogs. Whether the dog is small or a large dog like a Great Dane, a dog is unpredictable and can attack a child without notice or apparent cause. Children often times do not recognize the dangers of dogs including the brief moments of tension just before an attack. Furthermore, because of their size, children, especially infants and toddlers, are ill equipped to fight off an attack or flee from an attack. A brutal dog attack was reported in Monrovia, California where an infant was attacked by the neighbor’s 170 pound Great Dane dog. It was reported that the six month old child suffered the following personal injuries: punctured liver, punctured lung, and two broken ribs. Due to the severity of the injuries, the child was transported by air to the Los Angeles County – USC Medical Center for medical treatment and evaluation. The baby is expected to survive the injuries but could have easily died from such injuries. You can read more about this story at Family Speaks Out After Their Infant Is Mauled by Neighbor’s Great Dane in California.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


Children should not be left unattended in a vehicle. There are dangers to the children in the Winter, in the Summer, and all other times of year. In the Winter months, a child can be at risk for hypothermia if left unattended in a vehicle. Hypothermia can lead to serious medical complications including death. Weather and temperature are not the only dangers that parents and caregivers should keep in mind on the issue of leaving children unattended in a vehicle. There are also other risks of leaving a child unattended included by not limited to strangulation by seatbelts, doors, and power windows. There is also a risk for abduction. In addition, a toddler or child who can walk may just decide to wander away which can bring with it a whole host of other dangers and risks to the child. Whatever conveniences are gained by leaving a child unattended in a vehicle pale in comparison to the associated risks of leaving a child unattended in a vehicle especially during Winter and Summer months. See also Children Alone in Cars Not Safe In Winter Either.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


Diabetes is a well known condition. With good management, a child can lead a happy and healthy life. When a parent, teacher, or caregiver does not properly supervise a child with diabetes, serious health problems and conditions can result. Because of this, it is important for parents, teachers, child care providers, and day care providers to be well informed on this important topic. Jamie Lenard writes the blog – Diabetes Meters Blog. With experience as a teacher, workshop leader, corporate trainer, and parent, Jamie Lenard has a good bit of knowledge and information to pass on to others. She has a very good section linked in her blog titled – Children with Diabetes.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

Education%20Day%20Care%20Building%20Block%20G.jpgIn Pennsylvania and other States, it is important for day care owners and child care providers to consistently supervise children under their care. Just a few minutes or even seconds of inattention can lead to serious personal injuries and even the death of children. In Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, a day care owner and her daughter were sentenced to probation for an incident in which a child under their care died. Police officers / detectives believe that a 10 month old baby in the day care center was killed by a 7 year old . It was reported that authorities believe that the 7 year old was the granddaughter of the day care owner. For some reason, the 7 year old beat the 10 month old defenseless baby and then threw the baby on the carpeted concrete floor. As a result thereof, the baby suffered a severe skull fracture. You can read more about this story at Pennsylvania Day Care Owner Gets Probation in Baby’s Death.

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