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By Roy S. Dickinson, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


A Tulsa, Oklahoma woman and teacher’s aide was recently charged with child abuse of a 19 month old little girl.

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By Jonathan Safran, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


Two young boys collided head on while driving ATVs (all terrain vehicles) in Maine, Wisconsin. The two boys, ages 10 and 12, were on private property and some how did not see one another until they collided head on.

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By Robert Chaiken, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

US%20State%20Flag%20Texas.jpgIn Kyle, Texas, a 10 week old child died from serious injuries that may have been sustained at a day care center. Investigators did not believe that the injuries were consistent with the information provided by the day care owner who was arrested and then later released out of jail on bail. See also Kyle Texas – Child Protective Services Investigating Serious Injury of 10 Week Old at Day Care Center.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

Education%20school%20day%20care%20red%20school%20house.jpgThe Nye County (Nevada) Sheriff’s Department recently arrested 2 school aides, a teacher, and the principal assigned to Floyd Elementary School located in Pahrump, Nevada. The allegations involve the unreasonable physical punishment of four mentally challenged students. Special needs children have a right to be taught in a nurturing environment not one that constitutes or even approaches abuse. It was reported that the children’s special needs stemmed from speech challenges, cerebral palsy, and hearing impairment. The abuse may have been going ton for two years according to detectives assigned to the case. The investigation is ongoing and may yield additional evidence and information regarding the actions and inactions of the school staff. You can read more about this story at 4 Nye County School Employees Arrested for Child Abuse.

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By Steven Smith, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


In New York, parents should be able to use sidewalks with safety. This is especially true when parents are escorting children or pushing babies / infants in a baby stroller. Unfortunately, there are reported incidents in which a vehicle hits pedestrians who are walking on sidewalks. In Astoria, New York, a mother suffered personal injuries while she was pushing a stroller. A Lexus SUV popped up on the sidewalk and hit the mother. The incident took place on Broadway and 37th Street in Queens – New York. The mother suffered serious personal injuries. The baby did not suffer serious personal injuries according to news reports. You can read more about this story at Mother Injured While Pushing Stroller on Astoria New York Sidewalk.

Published on:

By Robert Chaiken, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

aircraft%20red%20helicopter.jpgIn Texas and other States, falling tree branches can cause serious personal injuries to children and other visitors to homes. Because of this, it is important for homeowners and all property owners to maintain trees and landscapes so as to prevent personal injuries to children and other visitors. A homeowner could be liable for a fallen tree branch depending on the laws for the particular State. Some States Courts assess faults if the homeowner knew or should have known of the dangerous condition of the tree or tree branch. If there was visible rotting or weakness with a tree branch, then this could serve as the basis for liability against a homeowner.

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By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

State%20Map%20Indiana.jpgMany children and parents believe that a BB gun is a toy and posed no real danger to children. Many child safety advocates would disagree. In Logansport, Indiana, a 6 year old girl suffered personal injuries when she was accidentally shot in the head by a BB gun at a younger friend’s house. The younger friend was only 3 years old. Lt. Cathi Collins with the Logansport Police Department reported that the 6 year old (Ariana Roman) was be treated and monitored at the Fort Wayne Hospital – Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. The BB gun shot incident caused damage to an artery in the brain and a skull fracture. The BB gun at issue was placed on a shelf but was still within reach of the children.

Published on:

By David M. Baum, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

stack%20of%20books.jpgA lawsuit over an incident occurring in 2004 has finally been settled. The family of Anthony Flott, now 7-years-old, brought the lawsuit on the Anthony’s behalf after he was dropped and hit his head at a Sleepers to Sneakers day care center. Anthony was 5-months old when the incident occurred. A caregiver was holding the baby when he slipped out of the caregiver’s arms and hit his head on a concrete floor. Anthony’s mother, Vicki Hodges, says she was not informed about the incident and later that night she had trouble waking him for a feeding. Hodges took her son to a hospital where doctors discovered the infant needed emergency brain surgery.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

prison%20bars.jpgMichael Boulware, a 26-year-old former Sumter County, South Carolina, deputy will spend 12 years in prison for having sex with a 14-year-old girl back in July 2009. On November 8, 2010, Boulware pleaded guilty to Criminal Sexual Conduct with a Minor in the 2nd degree.

Published on:

By John Jensen, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

pool%20with%20gate.jpgA little girl, believed to be about 3-years-old from Charlotte, North Carolina, is clinging on to life after falling into her family’s in-ground pool. The child was playing with her parents outside in the family’s backyard when in a moment’s time the parents discovered their child was gone. After searching the nearby area, the child’s father found her in the pool, which was almost drained and had only a few feet of water in the pool. The parents performed CPR on the child until rescue units arrived. Once the paramedics arrived they performed CPR on the child until arriving at the hospital. Doctors at the emergency rooms reported they did discover vital signs.

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