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By Scott A. Marks, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

gun%20handgun%20with%20two%20bullets.jpgIn California and other States, law enforcement officers often times send out public safety announcements. One issue that is often addresses in these public safety announcements is gun safety. Kern County California Sheriff Donny Youngblood recently spoke about gun safety and the tragic scenes that his police officers respond to. Namely, responding to a scene in which a child is shot “tugs at your heart” according to Youngblood.

Published on:

By Jonathan Safran, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

Fun-fair.jpgAmusement rides and parks are regulated in part by the State of Wisconsin Department of Commerce. Pursuant to Section (Commerce) 34.41 of the Wisconsin Administrative Code, the owner / operator of the amusement ride has a duty to notify the Department of Commerce of every accident or incident involving a personal injury that requires more than just onsite first aide. The reporting of accidents and incidents is required by law. The reporting of incidents and accidents provides documentation for the state regulators for investigation and possible action to either shut the ride or amusement park down or make remedial recommendations to provide for the safety and protection of guests including children. You can review the actual document required for the reporting of these personal injury incidents and accidents at Wisconsin Amusement Ride Accident Report Form.

Published on:

By Jonathan Safran, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

street%20pedestrian%20crossing%20sign%20yellow%20black%20day%20time.jpgIn Sheboygan, Wisconsin, a hit and run accident was reported. An 11 year old child was walking in a crosswalk when he was hit by a vehicle. The driver of the vehicle hit the child and then fled the scene. It was reported by police that the child was approximately four to five feet into the crosswalk when he was hit by a red four door compact vehicle.

Published on:

By Roy S. Dickinson, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

Fun-fair.jpgIn Oklahoma and other States, amusement parks and amusement rides are subject to regulation and inspection by a division of State government. In Oklahoma, the Department of Labor is charged with the responsibility of inspecting and regulating amusement parks and amusement rides. The Oklahoma Amusement Ride Safety Laws are found under Chapter 40, Oklahoma Statutes, Section 460. It is important that amusement parks and owners / operators of amusement rides following the regulations set for in the Oklahoma Statutes. You can review these laws at Oklahoma Amusement Ride Safety Laws.

Published on:

By Roy S. Dickinson, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

Fun-fair.jpgIn Oklahoma, a tragic fairground accident was report where a child died and 4 others suffered personal injuries. The accident involved a barrel ride which was described as an ATV (All Terrain Vehicle) towing barrels that children / riders occupied. During the ride, the 55 gallon barrels overturned. Authorities reported that the an 8 year old girl was later pronounced dead at Marietta Hospital from personal injuries related to this incident. The Oklahoma Highway Patrol (OHP) identified the girl as Jaylen Wolf of Marietta, Oklahoma. You can read about this story at Girl (Jaylen Wolf) Dies as a Result of Oklahoma Fairground Accident – Barrel Ride Overturns.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

State%20Map%20West%20Virginia.jpgA woman of Huntington, West Virginia, was arrested on a charge of child neglect resulting in injury. The arrest came after a 10-month-old child was allegedly struck in the face at a day care center. The woman was identified as Pamela Faye Taylor, 63. The incident occurred sometime in October and involved a child who had a red mark on his face in the shape of a hand and a bruise on his forehead. It is believed that the toddler sustained his injuries at Pam’s Kids Daycare in Huntington. Taylor will be entitled to legal representation by a West Virginia criminal defense attorney or public defender. If you would like to read more on this story please see Woman arrested after child allegedly struck in face at day care facility.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

dui%2C%20beer%20bottle.jpgA woman of an unlicensed day care in Yacolt, Washington, was arrested after she was found passed out in her minivan with two children inside. The woman was identified as Sheia Mikolos, 45. According to authorities Mikolos was drunk and passed out behind the wheel. Along with the two children inside the minivan were empty and half-empty cans of beer. Mikolos was arrested on two counts of Reckless Endangerment. The children were inspected by medics then turned over to Child Protective Services, they were later returned to their parents. Mikolos is entitled to representation by a Washington criminal law attorney or a public defender. To read more on this story please see Owner of unlicensed day care center arrested after found passed out in car with two children.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

State%20Map%20Oregon.jpgA former director of an Oregon, Wisconsin day care center was recently charged with three counts of child abuse and one count of suffocation for allegedly abusing children in her care. Heather M. Hook, 34, of Madison, Wisconsin, was director of the Foxboro Child Care Center. According to the criminal complaint, Hook allegedly tried to force a 15-month-girl to drink her milk and after the child refused, Hook allegedly shoved the toddler’s face in a pile of pillows. The girl’s mother told police she noticed bruises on her child’s body, that included a possible bruise to the child’s head and broken blood vessels on her side. Another mother also told authorities she noticed bruises on her 10-month-old son that were not present the day before. A Foxboro worker informed police of an incident where Hook grabbed the 10-month-old boy and carried him like a ball to an area after the boy was playing near a slide he was not suppose to be. The boy’s bruises were examined by Dr. Barbara Knox, a child abuse expert at UW Children’s Hospital, and described them as abusive in nature.

Published on:

By Jonathan Safran, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

education%20day%20care%20building%20blocks%20assorted.jpgIt is unfortunate, but it happens too frequently: a child becomes injured at a day care facility. Thereafter, an investigation is initiated and the investigation reveals the facility was not properly licensed or has otherwise violated state codes. The State of Wisconsin is now working towards strict compliance with state codes regarding the regulation, licensing and inspection of day care facilities. Among these types of regulations include but are not limited to: weekly checks of smoke detectors, rules to keep diaper changing areas and bed linens clean, rules requiring supervision, car seat checks and approved menus for the children. Also, the state requires day care providers to keep logs of the children’s activities and security systems, including fire alarm drills and other disaster drills. Background checks of staff members is also required.

Published on:

By Scott Zahler, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

State%20Map%20Georgia.jpgBobby Maurice Tillman tragically died from injuries related to a senseless beating that took place near a home where a party was being held. The Douglas County County Coroner reported that Bobby died as a result of a lacerated heart that was directly related to the beating injuries. It was reported that Bobby was attacked by four individuals. Standing at only 5 Feet 6 Inches tall and only weighing 125 pounds, Bobby had no way to defend himself from these criminal and viscous acts of others.

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