What if a Child is Abused, Neglected or Molested in a Day Care Center? Legal Rights of the Injured Child

By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Blog
In Georgia and other states, day care centers provide working parents with an ability to fulfill work responsibilities and place their children in an environment that is supposedly safe and operated by trained staff members. When caring for infants, toddlers, and small children, there are risks of injury with everyday activities of daily living like feeding time, play time, and, yes, even nap or sleep time. A high chair can pose a risk of injury to a child if the child is not properly strapped in AND supervised in a consistent manner by the day care center staff.
By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Blog
In Texas and other states, commercial trucks and semi-tractor trailers are common on the streets, roads, and expressways. Due to the size of these trucks, it is important that the truck driver take all proper and necessary safety precautions for the safety of other drivers and passengers who will travel on and through the same streets, roads, and expressways. One measure that should be taken is to inspect the vehicle before departure to make sure that the height and width of the truck can safety travel under and through all bridges and overpasses. For instance, if the truck is equipped with a boom or crane, it is vital that the boom or crane is lowered and otherwise secured that the truck is safe for travel through all roadways on the intended itinerary. If there are any objects that are too tall or wide for safe travel, there can be disastrous consequences, accidents, crashes, personal injuries, and wrongful deaths.
By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Blog
There are certain times of the year in which the sales and ultimate ignition / explosion of fireworks are prevalent – July 4th (Independence Day), New Year’s Eve, and New Year’s Day. It is at these very times of year that there are reports of both minor and serious personal injuries suffered by innocent children and adults merely in the area of the fireworks at bystanders and spectators.
By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Blog
In schools, day care center, and summer camps, children should be cared for in a safe environment by trained and caring individuals. The top priority for all child care facilities should be the safety of the children. Each and every child care worker should act in the best interest of the child. For some children however, the summer camp, day care center, or school is the site of horrendous and unforgivable acts of neglect, abuse, and molestation by the very caregivers hired and paid to watch over the children. When a child is neglected, abusee, or molested, a civil case or claim can be pursued on behalf of the injured child through the proof of the following elements:
By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Blog
In Connecticut and other States, day care centers, schools, and summer camps should be safe havens for children. Unfortunately, at these very locations, children are subject to abuse, neglect, and corporal punishment. Let’s face it. Children, at times, will misbehave and fail to follow instructions. However, this is no reason for hitting or striking a child in a day care, school, or summer camp setting. In fact, there are no good reasons to justify the abuse, neglect, corporal punishment, or exploitation of a child. When a child is abused or neglected in a child care setting, there may be one or more legal proceedings that result from the alleged bad conduct of the day care provider. There may be an arrest or criminal prosecution in the form a criminal case. There may be a fine levied against the day care center or a suspension of the license in the form of an administrative procedure. There may also be a civil case or claim against the individual day care center provider and / or business for the injuries / damages suffered by the child. It should be noted that the pursuit of any one of the three types of cases are not dependent on each other. For instance, a civil case or claim can be pursued even if there are no criminal charges filed.