When a parent drops off a child at a day care center, the parent expects that the child will be cared for in a clean and supportive educational environment. The reasonable expectation of the parent is to pick up a happy, healthy child at the end of the day. With single parent families or dual income working families, day care centers are essential for the family to be able to deal with life changes and stresses. A good and caring staff at the day care center can go a long way to providing for the needs of the child. Unfortunately, for some children, serious personal injuries and even deaths result at the day care center. Is the day care center responsible or liable for every incident? The answer is No. Let’s go back and take a closer look at this particular question. The important words are “every incident”. Just because a child is injured or even dies at a day care center, this does not mean by itself that the day care center is liable for responsible for the injuries.