What are the Legal Rights of a Child Subjected to Improper Restraints, Corporal Punishment, False Imprisonment and Other Bad Acts at a Day Care Center?

By David Wolf, Child Injury Lawyer
In day care centers in Missouri and across the nation, children are unfortunately subjected to various forms of corporal punishment in day care centers. Most states have a prohibition according to the day care center government regulations against corporal punishment. Despite these regulations, some day care center workers, for some reason or no reason at all, subject a child to corporal punishment.
In St. Louis, Missouri, there was a lawsuit filed against the Zion Lutheran Church, its daycare, and its employees, for the alleged abuse of a four-year-old girl. It was reported that the teacher at the daycare wrapped the child’s legs in duct tape after saying “I have some shiny red duct tape with your name on it.” The child admitted to running around when she was supposed to be napping, which is said to be the reason the teacher put duct tape on her legs in the first place. After the tape was put on, another member of the staff told her the tape would be removed when she behaved, which shows it was intended as a means of punishment. When the parents addressed the situation to staff, the situation was laughed over, and comments were made about how hyper their daughter can be. It was reported that the daycare teacher has been said to have used duct tape as a means of controlling a child with two much energy. As a result, this family’s lawsuit alleges false imprisonment and assault, among other things, and is seeking over $25,000 in damages. It should be noted that many courts have jurisdictional amounts or thresholds. In other words, an action can be pursued in a particular court if the amount in controversy if over a certain amount of money. As such, in many cases, it is difficult to determine from the pleadings alone the amount that is ultimately being sought by the plaintiff / family of the injured child.
by David Wolf, Child Injury Lawyer
In the State of Colorado and other states, it is important for day care center providers and child care providers to send David Wolf cases
When a child has suffered personal injuries at a day care center or another facility, parents should contact a Child Injury Lawyer for advice, guidance, and legal representation.
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network
By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network
By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network
Here is a simple but important question: Should day care centers provide constant care and supervision during sleep time or nap time? The answer to this question is Absolutely Yes! That’s right the answer has an exclamation point at the end because it is so important that child care centers and day care centers have trained staff in place that recognize the risk and dangers during nap time and sleep time for infants and toddlers. Without any child of child care training, one would think that the safest place for a child or a baby is in a crib during sleep time. The truth is that many children every year suffer personal injuries and even die during sleep or nap time due to inadequate supervision, improper sleep position, and the presence of blankets, stuffed animals and other soft objects left in the crib or sleeping area.