Articles Tagged with day care center

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By  Jonathan Safran, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Nap Time - Moon and StarParents rely on day care centers during the working day to care of the child in an environment that is safe and clean.  One overlooked area of child care in a day care center can be the sleeping or napping arrangements.  Children especially infants are at risk for injury during sleep and nap time.   An infant should not be placed in an adult bed or even a toddler bed for that matter.   Pillows and soft objects should be removed from the crib area or sleeping area for the infant.  Swaddling is also something that many pediatricians and experts advise against.
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By  Keith Kerfeld, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Day Care Center Sleep and Nap TimeParents rely on the day care centers and child care centers for the supervision of their children.  There are some obvious risks that need to be accounted for in and around the day care center.  For instance, if the day care center is in a busy commercial area, children should be closely monitored to prevent a child from wandering out the door or wandering out of the fenced area and into traffic.  Wandering into traffic is an obvious danger.   A not so obvious danger involves sleep or nap time. One would think that the safest place for a child at day care center would be the crib or the sleeping area.  One would think that a child could not possibly be harmed while engaged in the relaxing slumber of a good sleep or a good nap.  However, this is the very time and place in which many children are harmed especially toddlers and newborns when the sleep area is unsafe for the age or size of the child AND / OR when the sleep or nap time supervision is lacking or dangerously non-existent.   Most states in the day care and child care regulations set forth rules, guidelines, and regulations for sleep time / nap time related responsibilities of the day care center. One such state is Minnesota.
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By  David Wolf, Attorney
Building Blocks - B - Day Care CenterWhile under the care of a day care center, a child should be supervised in a safe and clean environment.  Here are a few things that we know about all children and especially toddlers and infants.
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By  Jonathan Safran Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Building Blocks Glossy -R - Day Care CenterIn Wisconsin and other states, parents rely on day care centers for the supervision of their children during the work day.  In most instances, a child is cared for in a supportive and educational environment.   However, there are also plenty of day care workers who lack the patience, personality, and temperament to properly care for small children. For instance, let’s say that a child is not responding to instructions or commands.  Some day care providers will then pull, shove, or push a child to get them going.   The rough handling or assault of a child can and does lead to serious personal injuries including bruising, fractures, lacerations, and even internal injuries.  Children, especially infants and toddlers, are susceptible to injury any time that they are pulled, pushed, shoved or grabbed.  When an adult pulls on a child’s arm, there can be a dislocation, fracture or other injury.  It is certainly not an easy task to supervise and monitor children; however, this does not excuse a day care center worker from rough handling a child under the supervision of the worker and the day care center.
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By  David Wolf, Attorney

Building Blocks LThe recent death of a young child in the Louisiana unlicensed day care center sparked a debate about which day care centers should be regulated.  Under Louisiana’s current system, a day care center which cares for less than seven children exclusive of family members of the day care center operator is not required to obtain a license. Because of this, smaller day care centers are operating under the radar and oversight of state and local regulations are still operating  legally. When a day care center is not licensed as required OR not required to be licensed by the state, it is common to see unqualified staff members hired, facilities that are disrepair, and supervision that falls to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the children enrolled in the day care program.

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By  David Wolf, Attorney
Kids Number Block As Symbol For Numeracy Or CountingParents rely upon day care to provide for the parent the child during working hours. For most childre in day care, the experience is a positive one filled with education, activities, and socialization.  For some children, however, a day care center is the site of a serious personal injury and even a tragedy in the form of a death.  Most child care providers are well-trained, caring individuals who put in a hard day of work to properly supervise children. At times, a day care center is a location where a child takes his or her last breath. Imagine the shock of a parent who drops off a child in the morning at a day care center only to learn that the child died at the day care center later that day.
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Kids Block Spelling Dad As Symbol for Fatherhood And Parenting

By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

Legistlators in Arkansas have revised the applicable regulations for day care centers in an attempt to improve the quality of care as well as the enforcement of the same.  It has been reported that there are over hundreds of changes to the existing day care center / child care regulations for licensed day care centers in the State of Arkansas.  There will be stricter rules for background checks and there will be stricter educational requirements for day care center directors.   Education and regulation can go a long way to improving the care and to better protecting children enrolled in a day care center.   While regulations are important, they are not always filed or strict enough to bring some day care centers into line. It is important that parents seeking or currently with day care / child care in place also exercise due diligence in investigating and monitoring the day care center.   Parents should frequently visit the day care center and also visit at odd hours to make sure that the quality of care is consistent at all times of the day and during all day care related activities.  You can read more about the Arkansas Regulations for Day Care Centers at New Regulations Go into Effect for Day Care Centers in Arkansas. 

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ByChild Care Note As Reminder For Kids Daycare David Wolf, Attorney and Robert Fernicola, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

In New Jersey and other States, parents rely on day care centers to provide care and supervision of their infants.  In most instances, work  schedules put parents in a position of needing day care for their infants.  What kind of supervision should be provided to infants at day care centers?  The laws and regulations vary from State to State.  As such, it is important to look to the respective State’s day care center regulations to determine what is required as to staff to child ratios, training, supervision, facilities, licensures, and other requirements.  Infants require a higher level of supervision and attention while enrolled in a day care center.  Infants are especially at risks for choking, respiratory difficulties, SIDS (Suddent Infant Death Syndrome), and other complicatons.  Because of this, infants should not be left attended or under the watch of a baby monitor or other electronic device.  When a child has a respiratory or other problem at a day care center, it is important for the trained day care staff to spring into action.  Otherwise, the infant at the day care center is at risk for serious personal injuries and, in some tragic instances, an untimely death.   In Highland Park, New Jersey, it was reported by the Associated Press (AP) that a day care center worker was charged with one count of child endangerment for levaing a child unattended which was determined to be a contributing factor of the death of the infant.  The autopsy did not necessarily pin point the cause of death.  You can read more about this tragic story at Day Care Center Worker Charges in Infant’s Death in Highland Park, New Jersey.

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