By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Blog

Busy working parents rely upon day care centers, child care centers, and summer camps to provide a safe learning environment for children. On most days for most children, there is excellent education, supervision, and care. Unfortunately, for far too many children, a day care center, child care center, or summer camp is the site of a abuse, neglect, and molestation of a child. It is tragic when a child is subject to abuse or neglect in the very environment where the child should be protected. When a child is abused or neglected in a day care center, the parent of the child can pursue a civil case or claim against the day care center, the day care center worker, and others who may be liable or at-fault for the injuries caused to the child. It should be noted that a civil case is quite different than a criminal case or an administrative case against the day care center work and owner. A civil case can be brought assuming that a parent can establish the following four elements against the Defendant as follows: